Page 44 - 40th Summit Brochure 2020
P. 44

meeting. Due to this function, the Secre-  Group and the Development Bank of South-
                  tariat is able to review even projects that are  ern Africa that are supporting implementa-
                  implemented by Member States in order to  tion of key technical SADC projects.
                  monitor their performance and ensure that        Among key projects that are being im-
                  the requisite capacity on project manage-  plemented, the Transfrontier Conservation
                  ment aspects is harmonised and enhanced  Areas (TFCAs) that are established and
                  in all SADC projects.                 run across a number of Member States are
                                                        quite evident. TFCAs are projects of special
                  SADC Projects and Programmes Portfolio  human development focus, which encour-
                  T e current SADC portfolio has 20 active  age Member States to come together and
                  projects, 16 of which are managed directly  manage their common natural resources in
                  by the Secretariat (Channel 1) and are those  a sustainable way that harnesses commu-
                  whose budgets come from ICPs to the Sec-  nity participation and benefit from the ini-
                  retariat.  Channel  2  projects  and  pro-  tiative.
                  grammes are managed by a delegated or a        T is is an ef ective way of managing the
                  sub-granted entity. Usually these are either  environment that promotes the development
                  a Member State or a contracted project im-  of the locally managed natural resource base.
                  plementation service provider. In the period  T e initiatives benef t the nearby communi-
                  from 2018-2023, projects are contributing  ties through the creation of jobs as well as ac-
                  an  estimated  total  approved  budget  of  cess to wildlife and forest resources.
                  US$172 million of which 95 percent is from        Another notable project that the Secre-
                  the European Union. It is worth noting that  tariat has presided over is the Trade Related
                  a signif cant level of resources in terms of f -  Facility (TRF) that is being implemented in
                  nances and technical expertise is being re-  12 Member States. T e TRF is supporting
                  ceived  from  the  German  Government  Member States to establish far-reaching in-
                  through both the German Federal Ministry  ternal policy and regulatory reforms to en-
                  for Economic Cooperation and Develop-  able them to manage integration. Member
                  ment (BMZ) and the German Agency for  States have been able to share lessons on in-            41
                  International Cooperation (GIZ).      dustrial development as well as information
                        In keeping with the SADC strategic pil-  on regional markets for various products
                  lars and priorities, the project portfolio is  and services. T ey have also put in place the
                  dominated by support to trade and invest-  infrastructure  and  services  necessary  to
                  ment. Projects are contributing to SADC  competently export their products to the re-
                  priorities are as follows:            gion and beyond.
                  • 53.1 to Industrial Development and Mar-         SADC Member States have set up a US$5
                    ket Integration;                    million HIV and AIDS Fund to support re-
                  • 21.9 percent to Special Programmes of  gional ef orts at accelerating achievement of
                    Regional Dimensions;                milestones among the Member States that lag
                  • 12.5 percent to Infrastructure in Support  behind in achievement of global targets aimed
                    of Regional Integration; and        at the prevention, treatment and mitigation of
                  • 12.5 percent to Peace and Security Coop-  the impact of HIV and AIDS among the pop-
                    eration.                            ulation of the region.
                        T is shows a solid understanding be-        T e  Secretariat  continues  to  exercise
                  tween SADC and its ICPs on what matters  professionalism in the management of these
                  the most in moving closer to an integrated  projects and appreciates the support by ICPs
                  SADC region. T e Secretariat is grateful to  as  well  as  Member  States  in  availing  re-
                  these ICPs, including the technical cooper-  sources so that results may be far-reaching
                  ating  partners  such  as  the  World  Bank  across the region.
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