Page 45 - 40th Summit Brochure 2020
P. 45

development in the region by the year 2000.
                                                                           It was followed by the SADC Industrial
                                                                    Development Policy Framework which was
                                                                    adopted in 2013. T e departure point for the
                                                                    SADC Industrial Policy Framework was the
                                                                    Industrial Upgrading and Modernization
                                                                    Programme (IUMP) adopted in June 2009.
                                                                    T e decision of the 34th SADC Summit in
                                                                    2014 to place industrial development at the
                                                                    core  of  the  developmental  integration
                             Priority A                             agenda  of  SADC  was  in  realisation  that
                                                                    industrial  development  is  central  to
                                       INDUSTRIAL                   diversif cation of economies in the region as
                                                                    well  as  the  creation  of  employment  to
      42                          DEVELOPMENT AND                   reduce poverty.
                                           TRADE                           T e SADC Industrialisation Strategy and
                                                                    Roadmap 2015-2063, approved in 2015, was
                                                                    developed  as  an  inclusive  long-term
                             BACKGROUND                             modernisation and economic transformation
                              T e SADC Treaty and the Regional Indicative  scheme  that  enables  the  substantive  and
                              Strategic Development Plan (RISDP) provide  sustained  raising  of  living  standards.  T e
                              for a development integration approach in  strategy is anchored on three independent
                              SADC  that  seeks  to  address  production,  and  mutually  supportive  strategic  pillars,
                              infrastructure  and  ef  ciency  barriers  to  wherein “Industrialisation” is emphasised as
                              growth  and  development  in  the  region.  a  champion  of  economic  transformation,
                              Specif cally, industrialisation is prioritised as  enhancing  competitiveness,  and  deeper
                              a  major  tool  for  sustainable  growth,  regional integration. It covers the years 2015
                              development  and  eradication  of  poverty.  to  2063,  which  was  a  deliberate  policy
                              Industrial development has been placed at the  decision to align the strategy with the African
                              core of the developmental integration agenda  Union Agenda 2063.
                              of SADC.                                     Phase  I  of  the  strategy  covers  the
                                    SADC Member States acknowledge that  remaining period of the RISDP (2015-2020)
                              industrial  development  is  central  to  and constitutes a time of active frontloading
                              diversif cation   of   their   economies,  of the Industrial Development and Market
                              development of productive capacity, and the  Integration component of the RISDP and
                              creation of employment in order to reduce  related infrastructure and services support
                              poverty and set their economies on a more  to  industrialisation.  T rough  the  now
                              sustainable growth path.  T e f rst SADC  developed Protocol in Industry, the Strategy
                              Industrial  Development  Strategy  was  and Roadmap seeks to intensify structural
                              prepared  and  adopted  in  1989  in  which  change and fast track the industrialisation
                              various  objectives  and  targets  were  transition of SADC Member States to the
                              proposed   to   accelerate   industrial  levels of developed countries.
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