Page 46 - 40th Summit Brochure 2020
P. 46

MANDATE OF DIRECTORATE                 SADC Summit T emes since 2014
                  T e main mandate of the Directorate for In-  2014  SADC Strategy for Economic Trans-
                  dustrial Development and Trade is to facil-  formation: Leveraging the Region’s
                  itate  trade  liberalisation  and  integration;  Diverse  Resources  for  Sustainable
                  attainment of competitive and diversif ed   Economic and Social Development
                  industrial development and increased in-    through Benef ciation and Value Ad-
                  dustrial investment and productivity that   dition
                  follows international best practice and com-  2015  Accelerating  Industrialisation  of
                  plies with globally recognised standards.   SADC Economies through Transfor-
                         T e strategic objective of the Directorate  mation of Natural endowment and
                  is to promote sustainable industrial devel-  improved Human Capital
                  opment and trade integration in the region  2016  Resource  Mobilisation  for  Invest-
                  through the attainment of the following spe-  ment in Sustainable Energy Infra-
                  cif c goals:                                structure  for  an  Inclusive  SADC
                  • Increased  regional  value  chains  and   Industrialisation and for the Pros-
                     value addition for agricultural and non-  perity of the Region
                     agricultural products;               2017  Partnering with the Private Sector in
                  • Consolidated SADC Free Trade Agree-       Developing Industry and Regional
                     ment;                                    Value Chains
                  • Enhanced compliance with international  2018  Promoting Infrastructure Develop-
                     standards and Sanitary and Phytosani-    ment and Youth Empowerment for
                     tary  measures  resulting  in  increased  Sustainable Development
                     Intra-Africa trade;                  2019  A Conducive Environment for In-
                  • Increased regional productivity and im-   clusive  and  Sustainable  Industrial
                     proved involvement of private sector in  Development,  Increased  Intra-Re-
                     regional integration;                    gional Trade and Job Creation
                  • Enhanced  progress  for  deepening  re-
                     gional integration; and             Adoption of an Industrial Policy                        43
                  • Enhanced application of science, tech-  A giant step in advancing industrial devel-
                     nology and innovation.              opment in the region was realised in August
                                                         2019 when the 39th SADC Summit adopted
                                                         the SADC Protocol on Industry that aims to
                  KEY ACHIEVEMENTS 2019/2020             improve the policy environment and sup-
                                                         port implementation for industrial develop-
                  Regional Commitment to Industrialisation   ment.  T e  protocol  is  a  stand-alone  and
                  Since 2014 when SADC leaders made a di-  binding legal instrument that entrenches
                  rective at the 34th SADC Summit that in-  and gives legal ef ect to the SADC Industri-
                  dustrialisation should take centre stage in  alisation Strategy and Roadmap and its re-
                  the regional integration agenda, industrial-  lated Cost-Action Plan to facilitate adequate
                  isation has become a priority for develop-  coordination, monitoring and evaluation of
                  mental  regionalism  in  SADC,  allowing  implementation.  Once  ratif ed  by  SADC
                  Member States to put in place vibrant indus-  Member States, the Protocol on Industry is
                  trialisation policies at national and regional  expected to strengthen the economies of
                  levels  to  diversify  their  economies  and  countries in SADC, driven by industrial de-
                  utilise local resources through comprehen-  velopment  rather  than  export  of  raw  re-
                  sive Value Addition.                   sources.
                         Politically, SADC Heads of State and
                  Government have shown a strong will to ad-
                  vance industrial development. For example,
                  successive SADC Summits since 2014 have
                  continued with the industrialisation trajec-
                  tory, marking the f rst time in the history of
                  SADC that a similar theme has run for sev-
                  eral consecutive years, thus illustrating the
                  general thrust of thinking in SADC.
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