Page 43 - 40th Summit Brochure 2020
P. 43



          RISDP 2015-2020

                               DIRECTORATE OF POLICY,               ing some of its key deliverables into proj-
                              PLANNING AND RESOURCE                 ects has become one way that the Secre-
                                                                    tariat is accelerating delivery of results of
                                      MOBILISATION                  these major guiding strategies.
                                                                          SADC has put in place the requisite ca-
                                                                    pacity for the attainment of results through
                                                                    increased ef  ciency and ef ectiveness of its
                             Background and Rationale               project implementation. While there are
                             Implementation of signif cant and specif c  many tasks to be completed in order to
                             key results in pursuit of the regional inte-  achieve the key results of these major cor-
                             gration agenda has the distinct advantage  porate strategies over a period of time, op-
                             of pooling together specialist human re-  erating  through  projects  allows  for  key
      40                     sources, f nancial resources and time con-  tasks to be lif ed of  the major operating en-
                             sistently applied to the achievement of that  vironment and to be focused on a specif c
                             single target result.  It is a way of intensify-  project  to  achieve  the  intended  results
                             ing ef orts towards the achievement of a  within a specif c period.
                             specif c result.  T is is the project approach        T e  project  design  and  management
                             of pursuing results that SADC has adopted  task  of  the  Secretariat  is  now  resourced
                             over the years with the aim of accelerating  with a specif c unit mandated to enhance
                             certain aspects of its regional integration  the capacity of the Secretariat to improve
                             agenda to achieve results through the Re-  ef  ciency and ef ectiveness in the manage-
                             gional  Indicative  Strategic  Development  ment of projects.  Among other key targets,
                             Plan (RISDP) and the Strategic Indicative  the unit is tasked with building the capacity
                             Plan for the Organ on Politics, Defence and  of the Secretariat on project management;
                             Security Cooperation (SIPO).           strengthening internal controls in project
                                   Development and management of proj-  management; ensuring the expedited im-
                             ects at the Secretariat has emerged as a dis-  plementation of projects funded by the In-
                             tinct area of operation for the delivery of  ternational  Cooperating  Partners;  and
                             results of the RISDP and the SIPO over the  ensuring ef ectiveness and ef  ciency in the
                             years. As wide and complex as the Secre-  delivery of project results.
                             tariat’s mandate is, organising and packag-        In  addition,  at  its  meeting  held  in
                                                                    Windhoek, Namibia in March 2019, the
                                                                    Council of Ministers directed the Secre-
                                                                    tariat to prepare comprehensive reports on
                                                                    programmes and projects funded by devel-
                                                                    opment  partners,  which  would  present
                                                                    progress made and emerging issues. T e di-
                                                                    rective was that the reports are to be sub-
                                                                    mitted annually in March to Council.  As a
                                                                    result,  Secretariat  now  produces  regular
                                                                    comprehensive reports on all projects under
                                                                    both Channel 1 and Channel 2, which are
                                                                    presented to the March Council of Ministers
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