Page 53 - 40th Summit Brochure 2020
P. 53

tion standards. It presupposes that a  actions and brings about ef  ciency in na-
                                 guarantee issued in one country should  tional payments.
                                 be recognised across the region and se-        At regional level, the harmonization of
                                 cures the duties when the goods are in  payments and clearing systems through the
                                 transit.  T e  implementation  of  the  SADC-RTGS is ongoing. T e SADC-RTGS
                                 SADC RCTG will benef t the region in  supports the modernisation and harmoni-
                                 the following ways:                sation of payments and clearing systems
                                 • Facilitating    the  movement  of  both domestically and regionally with the
                                   goods;                           objective of improving the safety of pay-
                                 • Reducing transaction costs;      ments and the ef  ciency of settlements in
                                 • Increasing the competitiveness of  the region. It has the impact of lowering
                                   regional producers;              cross-border transaction costs as it removes
                                 • Fulf lling commitments under trade  the  need  for  correspondent  banking  re-
                                   agreements such as the Economic  quirements.  Previously,  intra-regional  f -
                                   Partnership Agreement (EPA), the  nancial transactions would take two to three
                                   Africa Continental Free Trade Area  days to clear.  However, with the advent of
                                   (AfCFTA) and the Tripartite Free  the SADC-RTGS transactions can be settled
                                   Trade Area (TFTA);               in real time.
                                                                          All SADC Member States are participat-
                                 • Meeting WTO trade facilitation ex-  ing in the SADC-RTGS, with the exception
                                   pectations;                      of the Union of Comoros, and 85 f nancial
                                 • Simplifying and harmonising doc-  institutions comprising central banks and
                                   umentation and procedures to en-  commercial banks are participating on the
                                   sure predictable control procedures  payment platform. T e SADC-RTGS has
                                   based on risk management;        performed  above  expectations  since  July
                                 • Ensuring security and management  2013 when it went live. As of the end of
                                   of the transportation procedures;   March 2020, the system had processed over
      50                         • Removal of  Non-Tarif  Barriers;   1.7 million transactions valued at R6.87 tril-
                                 • Enhancing cooperation and coordi-
                                                                    lion. T e Committee of Central Bank Gov-
                                   nation among transit corridors cus-  ernors  is  currently  engaging  the  SADC
                                   toms administrations;            Bankers Association to ensure that savings
                                 • Improving record management thus  arising from the removal of correspondent
                                   enhancing ef  ciencies in declara-  banks are passed on to consumers. A key
                                   tion processing; and             milestone was the addition of the multi-cur-
                                 • Improving available accurate statis-  rency component to the SADC RTGS plat-
                                   tical data that can be used by the  form, which went live in October 2018.  T e
                                   customs  to  improve  intra-region  process of adding other regional currencies
                                   trade; and,                      to the platform is ongoing.
                                 • Reducing  cross-border  guarantee
                                   verif cation time.

                              Payment Systems
                              T e  SADC  region  has  reported  notable
                             progress in the development and strength-
                             ening of payment systems. At the national
                             level all Member States are implementing
                             the  Real  Time  Gross  Settlement  System
                             (RTGS). T e RTGS facilitates quicker trans-
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