Page 56 - 40th Summit Brochure 2020
P. 56

intra-company  transfers  by  existing  in-  regional dif erences are even more signif -
                  vestors, investment to the country was led  cant  when  looking  at  specif c  categories
                  by merger and acquisition deals in business  such as ICT adoption, Skills and Financial
                  services and petroleum ref ning.       Systems where SADC ranked higher than
                         T e World Bank Doing Business Report  other regions.
                  2019 shows that a total of f ve SADC Mem-        SADC is developing a SADC Business
                  ber States were ranked within the f rst 100  and Investment Promotion Strategy (BIPS).
                  bracket for the past two years (Mauritius,  T e SADC BIPS will allow the region to ex-
                  South Africa, Botswana, Zambia and Sey-  plore  opportunities  to  showcase  its  pro-
                  chelles). In addition, the report show that a  grammes and regional projects to various
                  total of eight Member States improved their  key decision-makers from around the world
                  rankings in 2019 -- Angola, DRC, Madagas-  who are willing to engage in sustainable
                  car, Malawi, Mauritius, Namibia, Zambia  partnerships. Furthermore, the joint meet-
                  and Zimbabwe.                          ing of the Trade Negotiation Forum and the
                         In addition, the World Bank indicated  Investment Subcommittee at Victoria Falls,
                  that reforms inspired by the Doing Business  Zimbabwe in July 2019, f nalised the SADC
                  Report have been implemented by economies  Regional Investment Policy Framework and
                  around the world. Within the SADC region  the  SADC  Model  Bilateral  Investment
                  for example, 31 reforms were implemented by  Treaty for consideration and approval by the
                  15 Member States in 2018 and 22 reforms by  Ministerial Task Force on Regional Eco-
                  nine Member States in 2020. Top reformers  nomic Integration.
                  within the region in 2019 include Mauritius        On the taxation side, negotiation and
                  with f ve reforms as well as Mozambique and  conclusion of tax agreements has stalled as
                  Zimbabwe, each with four reforms. Top trans-  no agreement has come into force since the
                  formers in 2020 include Zimbabwe and Eswa-  last update. T erefore the network of Dou-
                  tini each with f ve reforms plus Mauritius with  ble  Taxation  Avoidance  Agreements  re-
                  four reforms.  Indications show that the re-  mained  unchanged  at  59.  In  2019,  most
                  gion was ranked favourably in terms of Get-  Member States were renegotiating or con-
                  ting Credit, Protecting Minority Investors;  templating to renegotiate, their tax agree-       53
                  and Paying Taxes.                      ments.  T is  is  to  take  into  account
                         T e  Global  Competitiveness  Index  developments both at regional and interna-
                  2018-19 which is produced by the World  tional levels particularly those related to
                  Economic Forum, shows that within Sub-  Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS)
                  Saharan  Africa,  SADC  Member  States  issues. Some Member States were review-
                  achieved a comparatively higher competi-  ing their treaty negotiation policies and
                  tiveness ranking (48) than East Africa (46.8)  frameworks to, in part, address issues re-
                  or West Africa (44.5). T e report shows that  lated to BEPS.
   51   52   53   54   55   56   57   58   59   60   61