Page 55 - 40th Summit Brochure 2020
P. 55

Funding and Incentive Strategy Project        Work on the operationalisation of the
                                 (Mauritius);                       SADC Regional Development Fund is on-
                              ❖ Angola – Namibia Transmission Inter-  going.  The  Agreement  on  the  Opera-
                                 connector – Extension of preparation  tionalisation  of  the  SADC  Regional
                                 funding – Part 2 and 3 Feasibility up to  Development Fund was finalised and nine
      52                         Financial Close;                   Member  States  have  signed  the  Agree-
                              ❖ Wastewater  Pumping  Station  and   ment:  Angola,  DRC,  Lesotho,  Malawi,
                                 Wastewater Treatment Plant (Mauri-  Mozambique, Swaziland, Tanzania, Zam-
                                 tius);                             bia and Zimbabwe. However, none of the
                              ❖ Lomahasha – Namaacha Cross Border   Member States has submitted instruments
                                 Water Supply (Eswatini and Mozam-  of ratification with the Secretariat. Sum-
                                 bique); and,                       mit in August 2019 approved the Revised
                              ❖ Kazungula Water Supply & Sanitation  Roadmap for the SADC Regional Devel-
                                 Project (Zambia).                  opment  Fund,  targeting  its  full  opera-
                                    T e MOZISA project was cancelled at  tionalisation  by  August  2021.  The
                             the PPDF Steering Committee meeting on  Sustainable Financing of Regional Infra-
                             11 December 2019 due to the slow progress  structure and Industrial Projects in SADC
                             of the project.                        is  a  framework  being  implemented
                                    A PPDF Mid-Term Review consultancy  through the AfDB, providing support to
                             was commissioned by the EU in 2018 to  deepen regional integration.
                             provide an overall independent assessment
                             of its performance. KfW contracted a con-
                             sultant to assess the f rst and second phases  INVESTMENT AND TAX-RELATED
                             of funding arrangements for the PPDF, in-  MATTERS
                             cluding an analysis of strategic options for
                             the third phase. Based on the f ndings and  Investment and Tax Related Matters
                             recommendations from this assessment, the  T e United Nations Conference on Trade
                             Secretariat and the DBSA, developed the  and Development Trends Monitor Report
                             Action Plan for Improving the Performance  for January 2020  shows that foreign direct
                             of the PPDF which was considered and en-  investment to the SADC region increased
                             dorsed by the Ministers in July 2019. A re-  by  37  percent  to  US$5.5  billion  in  2019
                             port on the status of implementation of the  mainly due to the slowdown in net divest-
                             Action Plan will be presented to the SADC  ment from Angola. South Africa consoli-
                             Committee of Ministers of Finance and In-  dated its recovery with inf ows remaining at
                             vestment at its 2020 meeting.          a little more than $5 billion. In addition to
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