Page 57 - 40th Summit Brochure 2020
P. 57

                                                              THE SADCAS EXPERIENCE

                    1.  Why SADCAS?
                    The  Southern  African  Development  Community  accreditation applications from 10 SADC Member
                                                                  States namely: Tanzania (11); Malawi (8); Zimbabwe (5);
                    Accreditation Service (SADCAS) is a multi-economy  Botswana (5); Namibia (4); Zambia (3); Madagascar (2)
                    accreditation body established in terms of Article 15  Mozambique (1); Eswatini (1); and DRC (1); and were
                    B of the Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Annex to the  at  various  stages  of  processing.  Over  the  years,
                    SADC Protocol on Trade with the primary purpose of  operational income has been increasing. The 2018/19
                    ensuring that conformity assessment service providers  financial  year  saw  a  41%  increase  in  income  from
                    operating in those SADC Member States which do  operations  whilst  generally  dependency  on
                    not have national accreditation bodies are subject to  government funding has been reducing from 100% as
                    an oversight by an authoritative body.  Typically, in the  at 2009 to 26% as at 31 March 2019. SADCAS services
                    developed  world,  each  country  has  its  own  are focused on the priority sectors for development
                    accreditation  body  but  within  the  SADC  region  in selected value chains as identified in the SADC
                    considering the cost of establishing and sustaining  Industrial Policy.
                    such  a  body  and  further  taking  into  account  the
                    limited  financial  and  human  resources,  the  region  Seven (7) out of the eight (8) accreditation schemes
                    decided to establish one accreditation body which  offered by SADCAS are internationally recognized with
                    services  the  accreditation  needs  of  a  number  of  SADCAS having extended its international recognition
                    countries.  Over  the  years,  SADCAS  the  first  multi  to  the  Management  Systems  certification  bodies
                    economy accreditation body in the world has proved  accreditation scheme in November 2019. This means
                    to be a viable, cost effective and sustainable model  that  the  certificates  issued  by  SADCAS  accredited
                    which  optimizes  limited  financial  and  human  calibration  testing/  veterinary  /verification/  medical
      54            resources. A number of other regions in the world  laboratories, and certification and inspection bodies are
                    such  as  the  Gulf  region,  Economic  Community  of  recognized in 103 countries worldwide thus removing
                    West African States (UEMOA), Caribbean Islands etc.  the need for repetitive conformity assessment checks.
                    have benchmarked on the “home grown” SADCAS   Effectively  this  means  that  through  internationally
                    model, a concept developed by a group of experts  recognized  accreditation  SADC  Member  States
                    from the SADC region.                         serviced by SADCAS have better access to 103 foreign
                                                                  markets – A truly global reach.
                    2. Achievements So Far

                    SADCAS  is  now  in  its  12th  year  of  operation  and  3. Benefits of Internationally Recognized
                    accreditations continue to grow in terms of field and  Accreditation
                    scope of accreditation, sectorial coverage and also in
                    terms  of  geographical  diversity  having  accredited  In  addition  to  increasing  business  efficiencies,
                    facilities  in  Lesotho  and  Cote  d’Ivoire  and  having  competitiveness of products and enhancing market
                    accredited the first water meter verification laboratory  access, at a macro level accreditation helps by reducing
                    during the past 12 months. By 30 April 2020, SADCAS  the regulatory burden upon commercial organizations.
                    had  issued  168  accreditation  certificates  to  136  Making regulation more effective and less onerous is a
                    accredited  facilities  in  13  SADC  Member  States  common goal for governments across the world.  With
                    namely: Tanzania (30); Zimbabwe (29); Botswana (21);  confidence  in  the  conformity  assessment  process
                    Namibia  (15);  Zambia  (10);  Eswatini  (9);  DRC  (5);  underpinned   by   internationally   recognized
                    Mozambique (5); Malawi (3); Angola (3); Seychelles (2);  accreditation,  standards  can  be  used  to  support  a
                    Madagascar (1) and Lesotho (1); and two non SADC  lighter  touch  approach  to  regulation,  which  in  turn
                    countries  Ghana  (1)  and  Cote  d’Ivoire  (1).  This  means business owners spend less time tied up in red-
                    represents  a  remarkable  35%  growth  in  new  tape. By assuring technical competence, SADCAS plays
                    accreditations during the year and 39% growth in all  an important role in facilitating regional integration and
                    accreditations  including  scope  extensions.  At  the  in the protection of health, safety and the environment
                    same time, SADCAS had cumulatively conducted 189  thus contribute towards the achievement of the SADC
                    training courses in 13 SADC Member States as part  ultimate goal of achieving economic growth, alleviating
                    of  its  efforts  to  develop  capacity  of  conformity  poverty and enhancing the standard and quality of the
                    assessment bodies for accreditation. A total of 41  life of its people.
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