Page 52 - 40th Summit Brochure 2020
P. 52

gramme is intended to support the imple-
                                                         mentation of the Industrialisation Strategy
                                                         and Roadmap. During the period under re-
                                                         view, the following major activities were un-
                                                         dertaken on customs and trade facilitation:
                                                         ❖ Finalisation  of  the  development  of  a
                                                            Simplif ed Trade Regime (STR) Frame-
                                                            work  aimed  at  reducing  barriers  to
                                                            trade by simplifying the customs pro-
                                                            cedures and processes. T e implemen-
                                                            tation  of  the  STR  concept  includes
                                                            support to small traders by lowering
                                                            transaction costs associated with for-
                                                            mal  trade.  T e  list  of  the  qualifying
                  Impact of COVID-19                        products,  thresholds  in  terms  of  the
                  T e SADC regional economy which was fore-  value of goods as well as permissible
                  cast to recover in 2020 according to the Octo-  cross-border  travel  frequencies  have
                  ber 2019 World Economic Outlook, has seen  been f nalised following extensive con-
                  signif cant downward revision due to the ad-  sultation with relevant stakeholders.
                  verse  impact  of  COVID-19.  T erefore  the  T e Framework was considered by
                  2020 economic growth projections for the  the Committee of Ministers of Trade
                  SADC region have been revised downwards   (CMT) meeting held in June 2019. T e
                  to a negative 3 percent. Disruptions of eco-  CMT directed the Secretariat to review
                  nomic activity and the elevated expenditures  the proposed SADC Simplif ed Trade
                  by governments coupled with economic pack-  Regime Framework to be voluntary and
                  ages in response to the pandemic is expected  based on bilateral arrangements con-
                  to af ect the f scal position for SADC Member  sidering similar initiatives existing in
                  States. Consequently, the f scal def cit is fore-  Member States and other Regional Eco-
                  cas to widen to 5.7 percent of GDP compared  nomic Communities. T e Secretariat                49
                  to the previous estimate of 3 percent of GDP.  reviewed  the  framework  and  the  re-
                  Debt levels are forecast to increase beyond the  vised proposal will be considered by
                  regional threshold of 60 percent of GDP to  CMT at its next meeting.
                  63.6 percent from the earlier projection of 53.6  ❖ T e SADC Electronic Certif cate of
                  percent.                                  Origin  (e-CoO)  Framework  was
                         T e estimated regional and global eco-  adopted by the CMT in June 2019. T e
                  nomic contraction and weak demand in com-  Framework seeks to enable traders to
                  modities  are  expected  to  result  in  a  apply for the certif cate of origin elec-
                  deterioration of the SADC external position  tronically. T is is expected to reduce
                  with the current account def cit forecast to  the amount of time it takes for the cer-
                  widen to about 9 percent of GDP from an ini-  tif cate to be issued. In addition, the re-
                  tial estimate of 4.2 percent of GDP. T e dete-  gional e-CoO is expected to enhance
                  rioration of the external position coupled with  the integrity of customs and trade op-
                  the increased importation of medication and  erations due to the reduced human in-
                  medical equipment will put pressure on for-  terface.  Training  and  development
                  eign reserves and exchange rates of SADC  programmes  for  Member  States  in-
                  Member States, which may result in the sig-  volved in the pilot phase have been con-
                  nif cant depreciation of currencies across the  ducted. T e participating countries are
                  region. T e longevity of the pandemic will de-  Botswana, Eswatini, Malawi, Namibia,
                  termine the severity of the economic impact.  Tanzania and Zambia.
                                                         ❖ T e  Draf   Regional  Customs  Transit
                                                            Guarantee (RCTG) Regulations were
                                                            reviewed and will be presented for con-
                                                            sideration by the CMT in consultation
                                                            with the Committee of Ministers of Fi-
                  Trade Facilitation                        nance and Investment in June or July
                  SADC is implementing the SADC Trade Fa-   2020.  T e RCTG is a system that en-
                  cilitation Programme (TFP) approved by the  ables the ef  cient movement of goods
                  Ministerial  Task  Force  on  Regional  Eco-  in transit, through the adoption of re-
                  nomic Integration in July 2016. T e Pro-
                                                            gionally accepted customs administra-
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