Page 48 - 40th Summit Brochure 2020
P. 48
Events to commemorate the SADC In-
dustrialisation Week have been held in
Eswatini, South Africa (2017), Namibia
(2018) and Tanzania (2019). T e objective
of the industrialisation week is to popularise
the strategy and identify industrialisation
projects that can be implemented jointly by
public and private sector within SADC
Member States.
Domestication of Industrialisation Strategy
T e Secretariat has continued to support
Member States in aligning their national in-
dustrialisation strategies and policies with burden to most Member States. For exam-
the regional strategy by training govern- ple, the production of bed nets still remains
ment of cials and other stakeholders on low, at only less than half the regional de-
strategy development using the methodol- mand, although this is one of the tools that
ogy of Enhancing the Quality of Industrial of er the f rst line of defence.
Policies (EQuIP). Several Member States While there are several manufacturers
have begun the process of reviewing and of malaria drugs in the region, none of these
aligning their industrial policies and strate- are pre-qualif ed by the World Health Or-
gies to the SADC Industrialisation Strategy ganisation, so their market remains limited
and Roadmap. to domestic in-country sales. T ere is no
registered manufacturer of premaquine,
Development of Regional Value Chains which is the more potent drug in the f ght
T e development of regional value chains against malaria. T e production of rapid di-
and their integration into global value agnostics tests is still at infancy stage.
chains remains the main fulcrum for re-
gional integration, sustained growth and in- Condoms – Male and female condoms are 45
dustrialisation of the SADC region. T e the only devices currently available that of er
Costed Action Plan of the SADC Industri- triple protection against sexually transmit-
alisation Strategy and Roadmap identif es ted HIV, other Sexually Transmitted Infec-
six value chain clusters as priority: Agro- tions (STIs), and unintended pregnancies.
processing, Mineral Benef ciation, Pharma- With a total population of over 300 million,
ceuticals, Capital Goods, Consumer Goods, the SADC region remains a key market for
and Services. condoms. However, manufacturing of con-
Promotion of value chains will enable doms is only undertaken in two Member
SADC Member States to specialise in those States –Namibia and South Africa. T e pro-
productive processes and activities where duction is mainly to serve their domestic
they have competitive advantages. Partici- markets, and there is need for increased pro-
pation in regional and global value chains duction in the region.
also promotes intra-regional trade and
opens up access to technology and brand Anti-Retroviral Drugs –Estimates in 2013
names while also accelerating export diver- indicated that 14.7 million people were liv-
sif cation and growth. ing with HIV in the SADC region and about
T e prof ling of the sectors for minerals, 11.7 million of them needed Anti-Retroviral
pharmaceuticals and agro-processing has T erapy (ART). However, only six million
been completed and various investment op- were on ART. T e target is to increase the
portunities and projects have been identif ed number of people on ART from six million
as presented here: to 15 million by the end of 2020. Five com-
panies in SADC manufacture Anti-Retrovi-
❖ Pharmaceuticals ral (ARV) drugs, but their production
Artemisinin drugs, bed nets and rapid diag- capacity covers only 15 percent of the SADC
nostic tests for malaria – Despite the suc- generic ARV market. T ere are vast oppor-
cesses achieved in the eradication of Malaria tunities for investment in the region for sup-
in the SADC region, the disease remains a ply of ARVs.