Page 51 - 40th Summit Brochure 2020
P. 51

Investments and Savings                States that breached the regional target of
                             Average total investments and gross na-  public debt of 60 percent of GDP increased
                             tional savings have remained below the re-  in 2019 with South Africa and Zimbabwe
                             gional target of 30 percent of GDP for some  joining the 2018 group of Angola, Malawi,
                             time. After a decline from 26.2 percent of  Mozambique and Zambia. T e increasing
                             GDP in 2015 to 23.5 percent of GDP in  public debt levels exert additional burden on
                             2016,  total  investments  have  been  on  a  the resources of Member State ras debt serv-
                             steady  increase  up  to  2019.  The  region  ice costs increase.
                             recorded total investments of 27.1 percent
                             of GDP in 2019 compared to 23.5 percent  External Position
                             of GDP in 2018. Only five Member States  T e  heavy  reliance  on  commodities,  the
                             recorded investments above the regional  weak commodity prices resulting from the
                             target -- Botswana, Lesotho, Mozambique,  slowdown in global economic activity, and
                             Tanzania and Zambia. Gross national sav-  escalating global trade tensions adversely af-
                             ings are expected to remain below 20 per-  fected the external position in 2019. How-
                             cent of GDP estimated at 18.7 percent in  ever,  the  severity  was  varied  across  the
                             2019 from 18.8 percent of GDP in 2018.  SADC Member States. As a result, the re-
                             Botswana, Tanzania and Zambia recorded  gional  current  account  balance  widened
                             total gross national savings above the re-  slightly from an average def cit of 5.6 percent
                             gional target of 30 percent of GDP in 2019.   of GDP in 2018 to 5.8 percent of GDP in
                                                                    2019. Notable changes of the current ac-
                             Fiscal Positions                       count position in 2019 occurred in Mozam-
                             Global economic developments, weak com-  bique  where  the  current  account  def cit
                             modity prices and adverse weather conditions  widened by an estimated 11.3 percent of
                             weighed down on the regional economy in  GDP, while in Zimbabwe it narrowed by an
                             2019, with varying negative impacts on the f s-  estimated 9.2 percent of GDP to achieve a
                             cal positions of Member States. T e regional  surplus. In Mozambique the current account
                             f scal def cit average has continued to improve  def cit ref ected the increase in capital goods
      48                     since 2017. Fiscal def cit as a percent of GDP  importation, while narrowing of the current
                             is estimated to have improved from 4.1 per-  account def cit in Zimbabwe was driven by
                             cent of GDP in 2018 to 3.4 percent of GDP in  a 32 percent contraction in imports follow-
                             2019, largely due to tax reforms and improve-  ing import compression measures instituted
                             ments  in  f nancial  management.  In  2019,  by government.
                             Lesotho  and  Mozambique  joined  Angola,
                             DRC, Madagascar, Mauritius, Seychelles and  Macroeconomic Convergence Programme
                             Tanzania who met the f scal def cit target of 3  Preliminary  data  indicates  that  economic
                             percent of GDP in 2018. Mauritius which met  growth which slowed down in 2019 is ref ec-
                             the target in 2018 missed the target  margin-  tive of the sluggish global economy. Only the
                             ally in 2019 with a def cit of 3.2 percent of  United  Republic  of  Tanzania  achieved  the
                             GDP. Lesotho and Mozambique made com-  seven percent economic growth target, driven
                             mendable improvements to their f scal posi-  largely by major infrastructure projects. T ere
                             tions in 2019.                         were notable improvements in the economic
                                                                    performance of Member States based on the
                             Public Debt                            MEC  primary  indicators  (inf ation,  f scal
                             Public debt continued on an upward trend  def cit and public debt). T e number of Mem-
                             on  the  brink  of  breaching  the  regional  ber States that achieved the three primary in-
                             threshold of 60 percent of GDP despite the  dicators  increased  to  f ve  in  2019  (DRC,
                             improvement  in  f scal  positions  in  2019.  Lesotho, Madagascar, Seychelles, and Tanza-
                             T is is mainly due to debt not directly re-  nia) from three in 2018 (Mauritius, Seychelles
                             lated to budget f nancing. T e public debt  and Tanzania). T e number of Member States
                             for the SADC region is estimated at 59.9  that achieved the inf ation and f scal def cit
                             percent of GDP in 2019 up from 48.8 per-  targets increased to eleven and eight in 2019
                             cent recorded in 2018. Signif cant increases  from nine and six in 2018. However, the
                             in debt levels were observed in Zimbabwe,  number that achieved the public debt target
                             Mozambique,  Angola  and  Eswatini  that  decreased  to  nine  in  2019  compared  to
                             added 89.3 percent of GDP, 22.9 percent of  eleven in 2018, revealing the increasing debt
                             GDP, 22 percent of GDP and 16.9 percent of  levels likely to lead to increased f scal con-
                             GDP, respectively. T e number of Member  straints in the region.
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