Page 91 - 40th Summit Brochure 2020
P. 91

tional systems, with regard to access, equity,         Anchored on the principle of inclusive-
                             relevance, and quality of education inter-  ness, the development of the framework was
                             ventions.                              informed  by  a  widely-held  consultation
                                    T e adoption of the SADCQF has led to  process and its key elements were drawn from
                             Member States embarking on a process of  a situational review of national CPD plans and
                             aligning  their  National  Qualif cations  practices in selected SADC member states
                             Frameworks to that of the Region. Out of  and also from a review of national policy doc-
                             the eight countries piloting the f rst phase of  uments on teacher education.
                             alignment, Seychelles and South Africa have         T e  Regional  Continuous  Professional
                             successfully aligned their national qualif ca-  Development  Framework  has  been  com-
                             tions framework to that of the region and  pleted and awaiting approval by the Ministers
                             Mauritius has just submitted its alignment  of Education and Training, Science, Technol-
                             report for adjudication.               ogy and Innovation.
                                    T e remaining f ve Member States are
                             expected  to  submit  their  reports  soon–  Mainstreaming Care and Support in the
                             Botswana, Eswatini, Lesotho, Namibia and  Education Sector
                             Zambia. An Interim Institutional Arrange-  T e SADC Technical Committee on Care and
                             ment for coordinating the SADC QF activ-  Support for Teaching and Learning (CSTL)
                             ities was established, with Zimbabwe due to  was established to provide governance and
                             take over for the period 2020-2021.    oversight to the mainstreaming of care and
                                    T e  SADC  Qualif cation  Verif cation  support into the education sector in Member
                             Network  SADC  (QVN)  was  also  estab-  States.
                             lished. Annual reports of qualif cations are         T e Future Life-Now! Project has been
                             verif ed  by  30  April  each  year.  T e  First  endorsed by the four Member States involved
                             Draf  Regional Recognition Manual has also  in the pilot phase namely Lesotho, Malawi,
                             been  produced  together  with  Regional  Zambia and Zimbabwe.  Member States have
                             Credit Accumulation and Transfer Guide-  demonstrated  commitment  to  the  pro-
                             lines and has been submitted for recom-  gramme through commitment letters signed
      88                     mendation to the Technical Committee on  by  the  four  education  ministers;  10  pilot
                             Verif cation and Accreditation, scheduled  schools have been selected in each of the pilot
                             for June 2020.                         Member States.
                                                                           Advocacy  and  sensitisation  with  the
                              Teacher Education and Development     school personnel and parents have helped to
                              T e SADC Regional Framework on Teachers  facilitate the administration of the baseline
                             Standard and Competences was developed.  study at school and district levels; and f nally,
                             T e purpose of the SADC Regional Frame-  several key documents were developed dur-
                             work is to guide the design and implementa-  ing this period, including the following:
                             tion of Continuous Professional Development  • Generic  operational  school-level  hand-
                             (CPD) programmes for SADC member states  book  on  CSTL  for  use  by  all  Member
                             and it serves as a benchmark for improving  States;
                             the quality of teaching and learning practices,  • Framework to guide Member States in de-
                             and ultimately to improve students’ learning  veloping boys-focused programming;
                             outcomes at all levels of the education system.   • Desktop review of HIV and SRHR policies
                                                                      and regulatory frameworks within SADC
                                                                      Member States;
                                                                    • Advocacy brief on learner agency;
                                                                    • Advocacy video on youth climate change
                                                                      dialogues; and
                                                                    • SADC  Child  and  Youth  Participation
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