Page 92 - 40th Summit Brochure 2020
P. 92

GENDER UNIT                            (ii) Gender Based Violence
                                                         T is result area focuses mainly on address-
                                                         ing Gender Based Violence (GBV) with a
                  MANDATE OF THE GENDER UNIT             particular emphasis on women and children
                                                         as the most vulnerable groups, as well as
                  T e mandate of the SADC Gender Unit is to  promoting and supporting implementation
                  facilitate, coordinate, monitor and evaluate  of the SADC Regional Strategy and Frame-
                  the implementation of the SADC Protocol on  work  of  Action  on  Addressing  Gender
                  Gender and Development, regional sectoral  Based Violence (2018-2030), for prevention
                  strategies, the Revised Regional Indicative  of and response to all forms of GBV.
                  Strategic Development Plan (RISDP) as well
                  as other regional, continental and global gen-
                  der instruments that SADC Member States  KEY MILESTONES FOR 2019/20
                  are party to. T e Gender Unit spearheads the                                                   89
                  mainstreaming of gender in all regional ini-  1. Gender Equality and Development
                  tiatives to ensure that a gender perspective in-
                  volving the participation of women as well as  Gender Mainstreaming
                  men permeates the SADC regional integra-  SADC Member States have been furnished
                  tion agenda. T e GU monitors, evaluates and  with information on the extent of alignment
                  ensures  reporting  on  progress  and  the  and harmonization of national gender poli-
                  achievement of gender targets that Member  cies and strategies to regional, continental
                  States have committed to at regional and in-  and international instruments on gender,
                  ternational levels.                    and this is intended to support national ac-
                         T e  Gender  Unit  contributes  to  the  tion to strengthen gender mainstreaming.
                  SADC  strategic  objective  of  improving  T e  review  of  the  2008  SADC  Gender
                  human capacities for socio-economic devel-  Mainstreaming Resource Kit is to be com-
                  opment. T e specif c objective of the Unit is  pleted in 2020/21 to strengthen regional and
                  to improve gender equality and equity at all  national capacity for gender mainstreaming.
                  levels of society in the region.       T is  tool  will  provide  guidance  to  key
                                                         SADC sectors on mainstreaming gender is-
                                                         sues within policies and programmes to en-
                  KEY RESULT AREAS                       sure equality of opportunities and benef ts
                                                         to women and men. T e Gender Unit is also
                  (i) Gender Equality and Development    developing  a  Regional  Guideline  on  Na-
                  T is result area encompasses issues of gen-  tional Gender Action Plans to be launched
                  der mainstreaming in all the sectors of re-  in 2021, and this is intended to assist Mem-
                  gional integration, women in politics and  ber  States  to  develop  and  operationalize
                  decision-making, women’s economic em-  gender plans,
                  powerment, information and experience-
                  sharing  and  the  broader  aspects  of  Women’s Economic Empowerment
                  monitoring, evaluating and reporting on the  T e  2019  Regional  Multi-Dimensional
                  implementation of the Protocol on Gender  Women’s  Economic  Empowerment  Pro-
                  and Development.                       gramme (RMD-WEEP) aims to promote the
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