Page 75 - 41st Summit Brochure
P. 75

Harmonization of Postal Sector Regulatory  related  disaster  risk  management  and  the
                  Environment                             rational use, conservation and protection of
                  To  assist  Member  States  in  meeting  their  natural  resources.  The  SADC  Secretariat
                  obligations as signatories to the Universal  through  its  Climate  Services  Centre  is
                  Postal  Union  (UPU)  Acts,  the  SADC  implementing two regional projects:
                  Universal  Postal  Service  and  Access  •  The Southern African Regional Climate
                  Regulatory Guidelines have been developed.  Services for Disaster Resilience (SARCIS-
                  This is the region’s harmonized approach to  DR)  Project,  which  is  the  southern
                  place the fulfilment of the Postal Universal  African part of the continental SAWIDRA
                  Service  Obligation  (USO)  at  the  core  of  project.  It  is  funded  by  the  African
                  Member State’s national Postal Sector Policies  Development Bank under the 10 EDF
                  and Strategies.                            supporting Intra-ACP-EU Partnership on
                              The guidelines address the USO scope,  Building Resilience of African Nations
                  policy and regulatory framework, as well as  and Communities to Disasters caused
                  the  associated  costing  and  funding     by Natural Hazards; and
                  mechanisms  for  SADC  Designated  Postal  •  The  Intra-ACP  Climate  Services  and
                  Operators (DPOs) to provide a specific mix  related Application (ClimSA) programme
                  of postal products and services to all citizens  under the Intra-ACP Cooperation -11 th
                  regardless of their geographic location and  EDF-  Strategy  Paper  and  indicative
                  socio-economic status.                     programme for the ACP region.
                              Noting  that  the  Posts  is  the  main
                  logistics arm in the e-commerce value chain  The SARCIS-DR project
                  and  the  primary  mode  of  delivery  of  e-  The objective of the project is to strengthen
                  commerce  items, the  SADC Postal       the capacity and capability of all the SADC
                  E-commerce  and  Trade  Facilitation    Member States to generate and disseminate           73
                  Guidelines were developed to guide Member  climate information in a timely manner in
                  States  in  providing  appropriate  and  response to climate-induced disasters and
                  proportionate  regulatory  oversight  to  reduce loss of lives and property damage. The
                  stimulate  intra-regional  e-commerce  and  project also aims to enhance the capacity to
                  trade through the regional postal and courier  use numerical weather prediction (NWP)
                  services network.                       models and regional climate models (RCMs)
                              The  specific  objectives  of  the  for seasonal climate forecast.
                  Guidelines  are  to  promote  a  common        The  project  was  signed  in
                  regional  understanding  and  provide   September  2017  and  SADC  started
                  guidance   on   harmonized    regional  implementation it in June 2018, with a no-
                  approaches  to  dealing  with  regulatory  cost  extension  until  31  January  2021  and
                  considerations that are relevant to the Postal  closure phase until April 2021. The African
                  e-commerce  and  cross-border  trade    Development Bank revised and approved the
                  facilitation environment and to identify the  total budget to €2,811,500.00. The project has
                  key regulatory processes and stakeholders.  three outcomes as outlined below.
                                                          v Outcome 1 The core capacities           of
                                                             SADC National Meteorological/
                  METEOROLOGY SECTOR                         Hydrological Services and SADC
                                                             Climate Services Centre improved to
                                                             meet the needs of Disaster Risk
                  The primary objective of the meteorological
                                                             Management agencies. Under this
                  services sector is to ensure that timely and  outcome, the Project donated 40
                  credible  meteorological  and  climate     Automatic Weather Stations, 14 High
                  information and products are disseminated  Performance Computing servers and 2
                  to  stakeholders  to  support  planning  for  Automatic Message Switching System
                  socio-economic  development,  weather-     to benefiting Member States, thereby
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