Page 74 - 41st Summit Brochure
P. 74

Framework for the SADC Shared Satellite  (Botswana, Eswatini, Malawi, Tanzania and
                             Programme                              Zimbabwe) to assist them restore the status
                             The overarching objective of the Framework  of their Fixed Satellite Service (FSS) Plan
                             for the SADC Shared Satellite Programme  band Allotments.
                             is  to  enable  the  development  of  a  SADC
                             Regional  Shared  Satellite  Programme  that  SADC Roaming Project
                             harnesses  the  potential  of  the  satellite  The  SADC  Roaming  Project  is  being
                             technology and space resources to provide  implemented in three phases with phases 1
                             ICT services to fulfil the economic, political,  and 2 already completed. These phases are:
                             social and environmental needs of the SADC  •  Phase 1 Liberalization, Transparency
                             region.  The  Governance  Structures  to  to roaming tariff, Information and
                             operationalize  the  Framework  were      Data Collection;
                             established during the SADC Space Resources  •  Phase 2 Wholesale and Retail Price
                             Meeting convened in January 2021.         Cap Regulation:  Roam Like at Home
                                         The  Steering  Committee  and  (RLAH); and
                             Technical  Working    Groups   were     •  Phase 3 Cost-based Roaming Price
                             constituted. Ten Member States (Angola,   Regulation.
                             Botswana, Malawi, Mauritius, Mozambique,  The SADC Roaming Project targets the
                             Namibia, South Africa, Tanzania, Zambia  development  of  policy  and  regulatory
                             and Zimbabwe) have made nominations of  frameworks for the provision of transparent
                             members to sit on the Steering Committee.  and affordable mobile roaming tariffs for
                             Angola  has  been  appointed  as  the  Voice, SMS and Data services within the
                             chairperson of the Steering Committee with  SADC region and thus contributing towards
                             South  Africa  as  the  Vice-Chair  and  a  making the region more competitive. The
                             Supporting Brief for Angola to act on behalf  completion of Phases 1 and 2 has resulted
       72                    of  SADC  Member  States  as  the  ITU  in  an  increase  in  the  transparency,

                             Notifying Administration  under  the   consumer choice and reduction in pricing
                             Framework for the SADC Shared Satellite  of Roaming Services.
                             Programme was developed.                  In Phase 3, the SADC Roaming Cost
                                         In addition, all the 15 eligible SADC  Model resulted in the computation of the
                             Member States (except Angola which was  wholesale  and  retail  tariff  ceilings  for
                             not affected) have successfully made their  various roaming types of calls, SMS and
                             Resolution  559  submissions  to  the  ITU  data  services.  The  SADC  Roaming
                             Radio communications Bureau (BR) before  Regulations (2015) have been revised and
                             the deadline of 21May 2020 to restore the  now include a schedule that refers to the
                             status of assignments in the Broadcasting  wholesale  and  retail  cost-based  pricing
                             Satellite Service (BSS) Plan which had been  proposals approved by SADC ICT Ministers
                             degraded.                              in September 2019 as well as timelines for
                                         These have now been published in  Mobile  Network  Operators  (MNOs)  to
                             the Special Sections of the BR International  renegotiate the wholesale prices within the
                             Frequency Information Circular (BR-IFIC)  timelines of Phase 1 of the Final Phase of the
                             2932 dated 27 October 2020. Training was  SADC Roaming Project.
                             provided to Member States on identification  The revised regulations also address the
                             of strategies and how to undertake satellite  issue of permanent roaming in the context
                             coordination   with   the    relevant  of fair use policy. Member States will need
                             Administrations  for  their  new  satellite  to implement the new regulation and review
                             networks.  The  SADC  Roadmap  on      appropriate  regulations  to  allow  for
                             Resolution  559  was  developed  to  guide  harmonization of International Termination
                             Member States in this process.  Capacity  Rates (ITRs).
                             building was provided to five Member States
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