Page 76 - 41st Summit Brochure
P. 76

improving the capacity of National  uptake seasonal climate forecasts for rainfall
                                 Meteorological and Hydrological    season and early warning advisories based
                                 Services to access, process and    on consensus regional forecasts generated by
                                 monitor of the weather- and climate-  climate experts from Member States. The
                                 related data and systems for timely  SARCOF advisories aim to guide strategic
                                 early warning and information
                                                                    planning  to  climate,  weather  and  water-
                                                                    sensitive  sectors  towards  enhancing
                              v Outcome 2 Effective integration of
                                                                    preparedness  and  response  to  imminent
                                 regional early warning operational.
                                 The Project capacitated the SADC   hazards.
                                 Climate Services Centre (CSC) to         About 80 experts from various climate
                                 optimize its High Performance      sensitive sectors have been trained under the
                                 Computing Cluster and to generate  project.
                                 daily, weekly and monthly weather and
                                 climate information for the use by the  Intra-ACP Climate Services and Related
                                 different stakeholders
                                                                    Application Programme
                                 ( The SADC CSC
                                                                    The proposed action takes place within the
                                 also issued several advisories on
                                                                    framework  of  an  existing  Financing
                                 extreme weather events (such as
                                                                    Agreement between the African, Caribbean
                                 cyclone, drought, heavy rain and
                                 floods) to Member States.          and  Pacific  (ACP)  Secretariat  and  the
                              v Outcome 3 Competent team of         implementation  of  the  Intra-ACP  Climate
                                 national/regional experts trained to  Services and related Application Programme,
                                 respond to the needs of national   under  the  11 th  EDF,  with  a  budget  of
                                 disaster risk management The Project  €8,000,000.
                                 conducted a series of capacity building   The  overall  objective  of  the
                                 activities in early warning at national  programme  is  to  strengthen  the  climate
       74                        and regional levels:               service value-chain through building the
                                    Seasonal climate forecasting
                                                                    capacities  of  decision-makers  to  make
                                    technique during pre-SARCOF and
                                                                    effective  use  of  climate  information  and
                                    its midterm review and update;
                                 •  IT administration for High      services. The programme has five specific
                                    Performance Computing servers;   objectives  and  five  outputs.  The  specific
                                                                    objectives are to:
                                 •  Climate risk assessment;
                                                                    v Provide timely climate information
                                 •  Meso-scale forecasting for extreme
                                                                        and early warning to support climate-
                                    weather event (Numerical Weather
                                                                        sensitive sectors such as the
                                    Prediction); and                    Water-Energy-Food nexus, for the
                                 •  Climate modelling.                  mitigation of the impacts of climate
                                     In addition, the project funded the  variability and climate change for
                             two  annual  Southern  African  Climate    poverty alleviation, management of
                             Outlook   Forums   (SARCOF22     and       environment and sustainable
                             SARCOF23) that brought together experts    development;
                             from  various  climate  sensitive  sectors  to  v Develop an improved, proactive,
                                                                        timely, broad-based system of
                                                                        information/product dissemination
                                                                        and feedback through the improved
                                                                        User Interface Platform (UIP), at both
                                                                        sub-regional and national scales;
                                                                    v Improve the technical capacity of
                                                                        producers and users of climate
                                                                        information, in order to enhance the
                                                                        use of climate monitoring and
                                                                        forecasting products in climate risk
                                                                        management and environmental
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