Page 77 - 41st Summit Brochure
P. 77

v Expand and build the capacity of     2020  to  discuss  the  activities  to  be
                      experts on climate knowledge base  implemented. The SADC Secretariat and
                      and applications within the sub-   WMO held an initial collaborative meeting
                      region in order to facilitate informed  virtually in July 2020 to discuss the activities
                      decision-making on climate risk    under the five different outputs that will be
                      related issues; and
                                                         implemented together.
                  v Maintain quality controlled access to
                                                            The WMO has started implementing
                      databases and information systems
                                                         two activities virtually with SADC, which
                      required for products and climate
                      services generation and            are:  Activity  2.4  (Establish  and  improve
                      dissemination, risk/vulnerability  Climate  Data  Management  Systems
                      assessment, mapping and general    (CDMS); and Activity 3.5 (Provide methods
                      support to the national/regional   and  tools  for  observational  datasets  and
                      Climate Risk Reduction strategies.  model  inter-comparison  at  the  regional
                         The main Outputs and Activities of
                                                         scale to SADC CSC to assess which datasets
                  the programme are:
                                                         are fit-for-purpose in the SADC region).
                   •  Interaction between the user,
                      researchers, and climate services
                      providers in the SADC region is
                      structured: – Coordination and     WATER SECTOR
                      development of User Interface
                      Platforms at regional and national level;  Enhancing Water Security in SADC
                   •  Provision of climate services at   through Groundwater
                      regional and national level is     The Directorate has achieved the following
                      effectively guaranteed and secured: –  milestones  with  respect  to  Groundwater
                      Facilitation and implementation of  Provision in the SADC Region.
                      Climate Services Information System                                                     75
                      (CSIS) at regional and national level;  Groundwater Development and
                   •  Access to Climate Information is   Sustainable Institutions
                      improved: – Enhancing climate      It has been five years since SADC launched
                      monitoring systems and conducting  the regional groundwater programme that
                      Research, Climate Modelling and    enabled the start of the SADC Groundwater
                      Climate Forecasting;               Management   Institute  (SADC-GMI)
                   •  Capacity of SADC Member States is  operations as the Centre of Excellence to
                      enhanced: – Build capacity to generate  promote  equitable  and  sustainable
                      and apply climate information and  groundwater management and serve as an
                      products relevant to their particular  interlocutor  with  national,  regional  and
                      concerns; and                      international groundwater initiatives and
                   •  Climate-informed decision-making is  institutions.
                      improved: – Climate services are          Since its inception, the SADC-GMI has
                      mainstreamed into policy processes at  been  implementing  the  Sustainable
                      regional and national levels.      Groundwater  Management  Project  in
                      The  SADC  Secretariat  has  started  SADC Member States, funded by the Global
                  working  with  project  implementation  Environmental  Facility  (GEF)  and  the
                  partners -- EUMETSAT, EU Joint Research  Cooperation  in  International  Waters  in
                  Centre (JRC), ACP Secretariat, and World  Africa  (CIWA)  through  the  World  Bank
                  Meteorological Organization (WMO). Since  Group. The project has been implemented
                  February 2020, JRC and SADC Secretariat  under the strategic guidance of the SADC
                  have held regular meetings on the project to  Secretariat Directorate of Infrastructure.
                  agree on technical modalities.              The objective of the project was to
                      EUMETSAT convened the first virtual  use  groundwater  resources  to  improve
                  meeting with the SADC Secretariat in April  human wellbeing, livelihoods, food security,
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