Page 83 - 41st Summit Brochure
P. 83

Harmonization of Strategies, Policies and  Development in Africa, Priority Action Plan 2
                  Regulatory Framework                     (AUDA PIDA-PAP-2):
                  The LCTFP aims to coordinate joint corridor  •  Angola — Joao Chaves-Jimbe
                  development  activities  which seek  to      260km Road
                  accelerate  growth  in  domestic  and  cross-          — Lacano-Jimbe 230km Rail
                  border trade through the implementation of  •  Congo DR – Kolwezi-Solwezi
                  harmonized  trade  facilitation  instruments.  180km Road
                  Efforts are being made towards development         — Kolwezi-Dilolo 427km Rail
                  of corridor Governance Instrument.        •  Zambia – Solwezi-Kipushi 140km Road
                         The draft MoU has been consolidated          — Manyinga-Jimbe 374km Road
                  and  ready  for  validation,  adoption  and          — Chingola- Jimbe 574km Rail
                  recommendation  for  signing  by  Minister  of          The LCTFP has made efforts in working
                  Transport. To help accelerate the harmonization  toward infrastructure development with aim
                  process  under  the  Lobito  corridor,  draft  to foster trade facilitation, feasibility studies for
                  measures,  laws  and  regulations  have  been  one stop border post are under way for the
                  developed in both the road and railway sectors.  following border posts:
                  This has been done with guidance of existing  •  Angola and Zambia — Jimbe One
                  model  Regional  Laws  and  Regulations       Stop Border Post
                  developed  under  the  TTTFP,  ASNARA  and  •  Democratic Republic of Congo and
                  SARA. The LCTFP has adopted this process to   Zambia — Kipushi Border Post
                  avoid  duplicity  and  ensure  alignment  to  the
                  SADC regional agenda.                    Mwami/Mchinji  One  Stop  Border  Post
                        Further  domestication  of  measures,  (OSBP): Zambia-Malawi
                  laws and regulations process is underway with  The  project  site  is  located  at  the  eastern
                  LCTFP  providing  Technical  Assistance  to  Zambian border post of Mwami, which is a
                  Corridor Member States in identification of  shared common border with Malawi, 25km         81
                  national measures, laws and regulations in the  east of the Zambian town of Chipata along the
                  Railway,  Road,  Trade  and  Marine  (Port)  main trunk road (T4) connecting Lusaka and
                  sectors  that  need  aligning  to  the  regional  Lilongwe in the Nacala Corridor.
                  frameworks. To ensure awareness the LCTFP           The objective of the project is to provide
                  will publish manuals as soon as the adoption  good, effective transport infrastructure along
                  process of harmonized measures, laws and  the  corridor  through  facilitation  and
                  regulation is completed.                 promotion of the following:
                                                            •  easy access for intra and inter-regional
                  Interconnected, Integrated, and Quality     trade;
                  Seamless Infrastructure and Networks      •  easy access to international markets
                  The  LCTFP  has  made  progress  towards  the  through connectivity with major
                  development  of  the  Corridor  Master  Plans.  seaports;
                  Member States have submitted their priority list  •  contribution to maximizing the
                  for the Road, Railway, Trade One Stop Border  operational efficiency along the
                  Posts (OSBPs) and Port Sectors. This forms the  transport corridor, and
                  basis on which the corridor master plan will be  •  social and economic integration along
                  adopted and targeted for resource mobilization.  the Nacala Corridor.
                  The number of OSBPs has further increased          The  Bilateral  OSBP  agreement  between
                  with the completion of the Kazungula Bridge,  Malawi and Zambia has been signed and the
                  with the OSBP facility that has been recently  construction works are at 97 percent.
                          Resource  mobilization  efforts  are  also
                  under  way  with  the  following  projects
                  submitted under Africa Union Development
                  Agency  Programme  for  Infrastructure
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