Page 87 - 41st Summit Brochure
P. 87

mass Mid-Upper Arm Circumference (MUAC)   v Promotion of the application of
                  screening in some Member States, which further  International Labour Standards and
                  limited the coverage of vulnerable children.  fundamental principles and rights at work;
                         Member States adapted implementation of  v Increased social protection coverage and
                  programmes  to  maintain  the  delivery  of  reduced workers’ vulnerabilities through
                  essential  services.  The  adaptations  included  better working conditions;
                  simplifying admission protocols for children  v Strengthening of social dialogue and
                  with severe wasting, expanding the teaching of  labour market institutions for harmonious
                  mothers and caretakers to identify when their  labour relations and productivity at work;
                  children  are  malnourished  and  what  to  do  and
                  (Family MUAC), and use of mobile technology  v Strengthening of labour migration
                  for nutrition data collection and reporting.  governance.
                                                                  In  order  to  operationalize  the  policy
                                                            framework, SADC Member States concluded the
                  EMPLOYMENT, LABOUR                        SADC Decent Work Programme, which is the
                  AND YOUTH                                 partnership  framework  with   the
                                                            International  Labour  Organization  for
                  The Employment and Labour Unit is responsible  specific interventions during the period
                  for two RISDP 2020-30 strategic objectives. The
                  first relates to the Key Result Area of Employment         Within this partnership framework,
                  and Labour, with the strategic objective to increase
                                                            support  is  being  extended  to  Member
                  job creation with decent work opportunities for  States  to  review  and  implement  job
                  full and productive employment in the region. The
                                                            creation  strategies,  reform  labour  laws,
                  second relates to the Key Result Area of Youth
                  Development  and  Empowerment,  with  the  extend  social  security  coverage  to  the
                                                            informal  economy  and  stabilize  labour
                  strategic objective to empower skilled youth to
                  participate  in  and  drive  socio-economic  markets through improved cooperation
                  development.                              with employers and workers’ organizations.
                                                            These measures are designed to increase jobs,     85
                  Employment and Labour Activities          including in the formal economy, and to enhance
                  Undertaken during the past year           productivity  in  support  of  industrialization
                  The Ministers responsible for Employment and  processes.
                  Labour and Social Partners have taken steps to
                  enhance opportunities for employment creation  YOUTH
                  in SADC by adopting a SADC Employment and
                  Labour Policy Framework (2020-2030). One of
                                                            In line with the 40th SADC Summit Theme to
                  the  persistent  development  concerns  for  the
                                                            promote  youth  development,  the  Secretariat
                  region is the high unemployment rate.
                                                            engaged young people from the region towards
                         The latest statistical data for 2019 shows that
                                                            the  development  of  a  SADC  Youth
                  unemployment rates range from a low of 2 percent
                                                            Empowerment Programme. The engagements
                  to 28 percent for the general population in the
                                                            were held under the banner of the SADC Youth
                  region, with the statistics for youth exceeding 50
                                                            Forum  in  2020,  and  in  a  youth  consultative
                  percent in some Member States. As these are pre-
                                                            session held in February 2021.
                  COVID-19 estimates, the situation for the region        While  youth  appreciate  the  numerous
                  has worsened.  To facilitate employment creation  initiatives being undertaken by governments
                  and rapid recovery from the effects of COVID-19,  and other stakeholders, they highlighted that
                  the  adopted  SADC  Employment  and  Labour  they still shoulder a disproportionate cost of low
                  Policy Framework (2020-2030) requires Member  economic growth. Youth still face participation
                  States to support interventions in five priority  challenges  in  the  mainstream
                  areas as follows:                         economic,  social  and  political
                  v Creation of decent job opportunities and  processes,  which  can  cause
                      inclusive economic growth across all sectors  despondency  which  in  most
                      for men and women in SADC through the  cases results in the use of harmful
                      promotion  of  pro-employment  policy-  coping mechanisms such as the
                      making   that  facilitates  increased  use  of  illicit  drugs  and
                      industrialization and formalization;    substances.
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