Page 78 - 41st Summit Brochure
P. 78

ecosystems, natural habitats, industries and  part of demonstrating use of groundwater for
                             growing  cities  as  research  indicates  that  community resilience-building.
                             groundwater is the primary source of water           The  demonstration  projects  were
                             for 70 percent of the over 280 million people  implemented in the 10 countries (Angola,
                             living in the SADC region’s rural areas.   Botswana,  Eswatini,  Lesotho,  Malawi,
                                   The programme has made impacts in  Mozambique, Namibia, Tanzania, Zambia,
                             various areas, and has ensured that a robust  and Zimbabwe) that submitted proposals
                             and  regional  groundwater  institute  is  in  for funding support under the sub-grant
                             place. The SADC-GMI developed a regional  scheme of the Project. The demonstration
                             groundwater database, information systems  projects  were  implemented  under
                             and  modeling  tools,  and  capacitated  typologies,  namely:  Groundwater
                             Member States and basin institutions in the  Monitoring  Networks,  Groundwater
                             issue   of  sustainable  groundwater   Database  Integration,  Deep  Aquifer
                             management and development.            Exploration  and  Monitoring,  Aquifer
                                                                    Identification and development for Urban
                             Youth Empowerment                      Groundwater  Supply,  and  Solar-powered
       76                    Since 2018, the SADC-GMI made as one of  Groundwater Supply.

                             its priorities to include Young Professional           Member  States  were  guided  in  the
                             Internships in some of its projects. So far,  implementation  of  these  pilot  projects
                             Young Professionals aged under 35 years  through a Sub-grant Manual to facilitate the
                             were  nominated  through  the  Member  effective and efficient management of the
                             States’ National Focal Persons for internship.   sub-grant  scheme.  Over  84,000  direct
                                     The Young Professionals are expected to  beneficiaries were reached through the sub-
                             attend    various   skills-development  grant projects.
                             programmes    including   data  and              The  sustainable  SADC  Groundwater
                             information  management,  as  well  as  Management in SADC Member States project
                             international cooperation and knowledge  officially  ended  on  30  June  2021.  Before
                             management, in workshops where they can  project closure, on 28-29 April 2021, SADC-
                             share information and experiences gained  GMI hosted a virtual workshop where the
                             through  assignments  and  from  the   project’s achievements and lessons under each
                             Community  of  Practice  with  other   component were presented to SADC Member
                             colleagues  in  the  region.  Out  of  the  65  States,  regional/international  partners  and
                             Young Professional internships, 35 percent  funders of the project.
                             are women.                                      The SADC Groundwater Management
                                                                    Institute is working on phase 2 of the project
                             Livelihoods Water Infrastructure       with  US$9  million  funding  from  CIWA,
                             Development Projects                   which is due to commence in September
                             As the project comes to an end in June 2021,  2021  and  runs  until  November  2025.  In
                             the SADC groundwater management project  collaboration with the World Bank, a further
                             has been able to deliver 13 pilot projects in 10  grant of US$5 million is expected to come
                             SADC Member States aimed at infrastructure  from GEF by June 2022 to bring the total
                             development  for  improved  groundwater  funding for the phase 2 project to US$14
                             utilization management and protection, as  million until December 2026.
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