Page 80 - 41st Summit Brochure
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v Africa Water Infrastructure         An  interim  secretariat  has  already  been
                                 Investments scorecard              established  and  is  working  on  basin
                                 Through  the  SADC  WaterFund
                                                                    strategies, institutional strengthening and
                             Regional Water Investment Programme, the
                                                                    financial  sustainability  studies,  so  as  to
                             DBSA  is supporting the development of the
                                                                    realise  a  permanent  Secretariat  that  will
                             Africa  Water  Infrastructure  Investments
                                                                    gradually  remove  itself  from  donor-
                             scorecard.  This  is  a  tool  that  will assist
                                                                    dependency, as it is currently funded by an
                             countries  in  addressing  the  water
                                                                    ICP, the Netherlands Government.
                             investments  gap  and  improving  the
                             investment outlook of the water sector.
                                 This  supports  the  goal  of  the  Africa  TRANSPORT SECTOR
                             Water Investment Programme adopted by
                             African leaders in mobilising about USD$30
                             billion in water and sanitation investments
                             in Africa by 2030. To learn more about the  The  Tripartite  Transport  and  Transit
                             Fund  and  its  initiatives  visit  the  SADC  Facilitation Programme (TTTFP) funded
                             WaterFund  website  or  contact  Babalwa  under the 11 EDF, is implementing the
                             Ntlangula        harmonised minimum standards in cross
                                                                    border road transportation in COMESA,
                                                                    EAC  and  SADC  within  the  statutory
                             Combined Coordination of Multiple      framework of the Multilateral Cross Border
                             Transboundary River Basin Programmes   Road Transport Agreement (MCBRTA) and
                             SADC is increasingly working on newer and  Vehicle  Load  Management  Agreement
                             better integrated management approaches  (VLMA) that require quality regulation of
                             for  cost-effective  transboundary  water  operators, vehicles and drivers within the
       78                    resources management.  One such approach  Tripartite region. The TTTFP is coordinated
                             is combining two or more river basins to be  and managed by the SADC Secretariat on
                             managed by a single institution, which will  behalf of the Tripartite RECs. There are four
                             serve  to  reduce  management  costs  and  stages  in  the  implementation  of  the
                             promote ease of inter-basin water transfer  programme:
                             across  basins  and  thereby  aiding  to  the  •  Stage 1 Establish Statutory Basis;
                             creation of regional water pools.       •  Stage 2 Institutional Capacity and
                                     The new model is piloted in the    Development of Systems;
                             newly  established  tri-basin  River  Basin  •  Stage 3 Implementation of Systems;
                             Organisation (RBO) involving Mozambique    and
                             and Zimbabwe for shared three river basins  •  Stage 4 Commissioning in Selected
                             namely, Buzi, Pungwe and Save (BUPUSA).    Corridors, Monitoring, Evaluation
                             The  countries  have  already  developed  a  and Roll-out Strategy.
                             funded  roadmap,  and  are  working  on  a
                             hosting  and  cooperation  instruments  Harmonization of Regional Road
                             (agreements) to establish the BUPUSA tri-  Transport Laws, Regulations, Standards,
                             basin  permanent  secretariat.  SADC   and Systems
                             Secretariat  has  continued  to  provide  The Secretariat continues to coordinate and
                             resource mobilisation and technical support  manage  as  contracting  authority  of  the
                             to the countries.                      TTTFP  funded  by  the  EU.  The  TTTFP
                             Another  such  RBO  (a  two-basin  shared  provides a harmonized legal, regulatory and
                             watercourse  institution)  has  also  been  system  framework  for  Member/  Partner
                             established  to  oversee  the  Incomati  and  States  to  implement  the  harmonized
                             Maputo transboundary river basins, shared  minimum standards in cross-border road
                             by Mozambique, Eswatini and South Africa.  transportation  under  the  MCBRTA  and
                             The institution is called the Inco-Maputo  VLMA. The TTTFP which commenced in
                             Watercourse  Commission  (INMACOM).    2017  and  designed  to  end  in  November
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