Page 88 - 41st Summit Brochure
P. 88

Greater youth participation is mainly seen in  educated  and  skilled  human  resources  to
                         low income jobs and self-employment in the  facilitate poverty reduction, equitable economic
                         informal  economy,  which  is  not  productive  growth,  and  competitiveness  in  the  labour
                         enough to lift them from poverty. In response,  market economy.
                         the Secretariat has finalized the drafting of a
                         SADC Youth Empowerment Policy Framework  Education Sector Response to Covid-19 –
                         that  seeks  to  enhance  opportunities  for  Survey of SADC Member States
                         harnessing the demographic dividend, arising  The COVID-19 pandemic has led to drastic
                         from the region’s youth bulge.           measures  being  taken  by  respective
                               The  draft  policy  framework  has  an  governments to mitigate the negative impact of
                         emphasis on youth economic empowerment   the pandemic on businesses and households.
                         through  employment,  entrepreneurship  and        To  control  the  impact  of  the  pandemic,
                         appropriate skills development. Another point  national  lockdowns  and  partial  border
                         of emphasis is the strengthening of the capacity  restrictions  have  been  imposed  by  most
                         and  representativeness  of  national  youth  countries.  These  measures  have  severely
                         organizations  to  participate  in  and  lead  impacted  the  education  sector,  creating  a
                         development processes. The SADC Ministers  period of lost learning opportunities for many
                         responsible for Youth, together with youth and  students, most particularly for those in socially
                         other stakeholders, are set to follow up on the  vulnerable groups.
                         ongoing consultations to adopt and implement        Member States have responded in different
                         the proposed policy framework.           ways  to  help  students  make  up  for  the  lost
                                                                  period of learning by promulgating a variety of
                         Achievements towards Vision 2050 and RISDP  national strategies and policies. However, while
                         2020-2030                                these initiatives from respective Ministries of
                         The major achievements include the adoption  Education  to  allow  students  to  continue
       86                of the SADC Employment and Labour Policy  learning  are  laudable,  there  has  not  been  a
                         Framework (2020-2030) and the SADC Decent  regional  response  or  any  inter-country
                         Work Programme (2021-2025), both of which  consultations on the best practices for attending
                         seek to promote the generation of productive  to the educational needs of children and youth
                         employment in line with Vision 2050 and the  in the context of the effects of the pandemic.
                         RISDP aspirations.                              Inter-country learning and the adoption of
                                Proactive  and  responsive  measures  by  good practices should lead to the development
                         Member States in implementing labour market  of an effective strategic plan to mitigate the
                         responses to address COVID-19 impacts, which  effects  of  the  pandemic  and  meet  the
                         ensured broad cooperation between governments  expectations  of  various  stakeholders  in  the
                         and  social  partners  and  enabled  general  education sector.
                         compliance with public health regulations.         It is against this background that the SADC
                               The success of labour market interventions,  Secretariat  with  the  support  of  UNESCO,
                         including  on  workplace  safety  and  health,  conducted a survey among SADC Member States
                         contributed  to  a  balanced  mix  of  measures  during the months of April/May 2020, aimed at
                         addressing public health concerns and those for  assessing the challenges and measures taken by
                         the reopening of business. This balance will  SADC  Member  States  as  well  as  those  best
                         remain important until the pandemic is over.    practices which could be adopted to mitigate the
                                                                  impact of the pandemic on education.
                         EDUCATION AND                            Development of the SADC Credit
                         SKILLS DEVELOPMENT                       Accumulation and Transfer Systems
                                                                  The  development  of  the  SADC  Credit
                         The overarching objective of the Education and  Accumulation  and  Transfer  System  (CATS)
                         Skills Development KRA is to facilitate and  which informs the recognition of accumulation
                         coordinate  the    harmonization   and   and  transfer  of  credits  within  the  same  or
                         implementation  of  regional  policies  and  different qualifications in different institutions
                         programmes to ensure access to relevant and  in  the  SADC  Region  is  expected  to  help  to
                         quality education and training in the SADC  facilitate  the  implementation  of  the  SADC
                         region; and improve the availability of literate,  Qualifications  Framework  (SADCQF).    The
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