Page 79 - 41st Summit Brochure
P. 79

The  increase  in  the  funding  from  Projects
                  US$10.2 million in phase 1 of the project  Currently, the Water Fund has six approved
                  both from CIWA and GEF to US$14 million  projects,  two  of  which  are  under
                  in the upcoming phase 2 is an encouraging  implementation in Kazungula, Zambia as
                  sign of the trust and confidence that the  well  as  in  Lomahasha  and  Namaacha  in
                  donors, and the World Bank have invested  Eswatini  and  Mozambique  respectively.
                  in the SADC Secretariat, SADC-GMI and  These  two  projects  will  directly  impact
                  the entire SADC region.                about 40,000 of the existing population in
                                                         low-income areas while providing for future
                  SADC Water Fund Addressing SADC’s      populations of more than 70,000 people.
                  Water and Sanitation Infrastructure              The projects are being implemented in
                  Needs                                  collaboration with the Project Preparation
                  More than one-third of the people living in  Unit - SADC PPDF who have bridged the
                  southern Africa do not have access to safe  preparatory  financing  gaps.  The
                  drinking water, while more than half lack  construction works for these two projects is
                  access to improved sanitation facilities. The  set  to  commence  in  the  third  quarter  of
                  need for infrastructure for improved water  2021. Furthermore, the Fund has a working
                  services is therefore compelling.      pipeline of projects of about €107million
                            In 2012, SADC established the Regional  that represents projects that are ready for
                  Fund  for  water  and  basic  sanitation  as  a  funding of the implementation.
                  Regional  Development  Financing  Facility
                  with  a  mandate  to  strengthen  the
                  coordinating function of SADC by funding  Strategic Partnerships
                  projects  that  will  improve  regional  water  The key success factor in the identification
                  infrastructure. The Fund is hosted by DBSA  and implementation of projects is strong
                  and  supported  by  the  KfW  Development  partnerships.                                    77
                  Bank who provided seed funding.
                          The SADC Water Fund partners with  v Global Water Partnership
                  various  stakeholders  to  draw  together  Southern Africa
                                                         The  Water  Fund  has  a  longstanding
                  resources  towards  priority  areas  of
                                                         partnership  with  the  Global  Water
                  intervention within the water sector in the
                                                         Partnership Southern Africa (GWPSA) and
                  region  and  believes  in  pro-poor  water
                                                         recently  formalised   through    a
                  supply  and  sanitation  and  facilitates
                                                         Memorandum  of  Understanding  (MoU).
                  information and knowledge sharing.
                                                         Through  this  partnership,  the  Fund  is
                                                         promoting  a  programmatic  approach  to
                  Strategic Focus
                                                         water sector interventions in the region via
                  The Water Fund executes its mandate by
                                                         the  SADC  Water  Fund  Regional  Water
                  delivering  value  through  three  thematic
                                                         Investment  Programme. The  programme
                  areas with a nexus approach with a rolling
                                                         will  scale  up  and  accelerate  preparation,
                  portfolio of infrastructure projects that have
                                                         financing and implementation of priority
                  the following intended benefits:
                                                         transboundary and regional cross-border
                   •  Cross border water supply and
                                                         projects  in  the  region  focusing  on  the
                                                         thematic focus areas of the Fund.
                   •  Promoting water transfer & shared
                      water infrastructure particularly in
                      regional trade and development
                   •  Innovations for resilience for water
                      utilities in the region; and
                   •  Development of regional
                      transboundary water information
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