Page 89 - 41st Summit Brochure
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CATS  document  has  been  validated  by  the  April 2021 and has been submitted for approval
                 Technical  Committee  on  Certification  and  to the Joint Meeting of Ministers of Education
                 Accreditation on 28 April 2021 and has been  and  Training  and  Science,  Technology  and
                 submitted for approval to the Joint Meeting of  Innovation expected in June 2021.
                 Ministers of Education and Training and Science,        The  purpose  of  the  SADC  Regional  CPD
                 Technology and Innovation which held in June  Framework  is  to  guide  the  design  and
                 2021.                                     implementation of CPD programmes for SADC
                       The  rolling  out  of  the  Regional  CATS  is  Member  States.  The  Framework  serves  as  a
                 expected  to  provide  wide-ranging  benefits  to  benchmark for improving the quality of teaching
                 learners and institutions. Some of these benefits  and learning practices, and ultimately to improve
                 are:                                      students’ learning outcomes at all levels of the
                  •  Support student/learner mobility (across  education system. Furthermore, the Regional
                    countries and institutions) which in turn can  CPD  framework  is  critical  in  facilitating  the
                    improve lifelong learning opportunities and  harmonization of CPD policies and practices in
                    social mobility of under-represented groups  the region while also allowing for contextual
                    in general education, Technical and    differences in implementation.
                    Vocational Education and Training (TVET)
                    or higher education;                   Comprehensive Skills Audit
                  •  Reduce the risk of student drop-out by  The draft Comprehensive Skills Audit Report has
                    reducing the time commitment required (as  been approved by the Technical Committee on
                    students do not have to restart their studies  Higher Education and Training and Research
                    from the beginning, and thus avoid     and Development in May 2021, and has been
                    repeating learning already undertaken) and  submitted for approval to the next Joint Meeting
                    creating re-entry possibilities;       of  Ministers  of  Education  and  Training  and
                  •  Make general education, TVET, or higher  Science, Technology and Innovation.
                    education more attractive and accessible to         The regional skills supply and demand study
                    under-represented and disadvantaged    focuses on three identified priority value chains --
                    groups (e.g. encouraging part-time study,  Agro  Processing,  Mineral  Processing  and
                    and facilitating entry for those without  Pharmaceuticals.  The  study  is    related  to  the  87
                    formal qualifications through recognition of  identification  of  skills  demand  to  inform  the
                    prior learning);                       programmes to be offered in line with the agreed
                  •  Help institutions to create customized  value chains; it maps the relevant existing academic
                    learning opportunities for students and  programmes and qualifications being offered in the
                    employers;                             region;  and    identifies    the  skills  development
                  •  Permit institutions to be more responsive,  programmes required to address gaps, as well as
                    particularly to the student market, and as  the institutions which should be designated as
                    such increase opportunities for additional  Centres  of  Excellence  and  Centres  of
                    income generation; and                 Specialization, including the type of operational
                  •  Contribute to higher student retention and  and governance structures to be established.
                    completion rates; and                         The  study  also  identifies  key  economic
                  •  Promote and facilitate inter-institutional  realities driving skills demand in different value
                    partnerships (such as progression pathways  chains;  the  current  skills  demand  (high  and
                    between TVET and higher education).    medium  skills),  skills  shortages,  and  trends
                                                           applied to forecast future skills demand in the
                 Development of a Regional Continuous      three  value  chains;  the  regional  and  national
                 Professional Development Framework        policies  (i.e.  desired  outcomes)  for  the  value
                 Ministers  of  Education  and  Training  and  chains; and identification of skills that will be
                 Science,  Technology  and  Innovation,  at  their  needed to realize these outcomes.
                 2019 Meeting, directed the Secretariat to develop
                 a   Regional   Continuous    Professional  Achievements towards Vision 2050 and
                 Development (CPD) Framework to accompany  RISDP 2020-2030
                 the  SADC  Regional  Framework  on  Teachers  These relate to the Development of the Draft
                 Standard and Competences.                 Report on Baseline Situational Analysis on Open
                       In  this  regard,  the  Draft  Regional  CPD  Distance  Learning  (ODL)  in  SADC  Member
                 Framework has been validated by the Technical  States,  and  the  Regional  Update  on  the
                 Committee on Certification and Accreditation in  Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) 4 targets.
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