Page 90 - 41st Summit Brochure
P. 90

The SADC Secretariat, in collaboration with       A number of SADC Member States achieved the
                         UNESCO  Regional  Office  for  Southern  Africa  UNAIDS  Global  fast-track  targets  while  others
                         (ROSA), commissioned a study on a “Situational  surpassed their targets, well before the set deadlines.
                         Analysis of the Status of Open Distance Learning  This  milestone  is  an  indicator  that  the  goals  of
                         (ODL) in SADC Member States”. The objectives of  ending AIDS could potentially be realised in 2030.
                         this Baseline Study were as follows:             The SADC Technical Guide for Key Population
                          •  Assess the extent to which Member States  was finalized and approved. The guide will assist
                            have developed national government policies  Member States and national stakeholders to create
                            and strategies that provide an enabling  an enabling environment for rapid and sustained
                            environment for ODL institutional delivery;  increase in interventions for comprehensive HIV
                          •  Explore whether national ODL quality   and Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights. The
                            assurance frameworks have been established;   interventions are drawn from the experiences of
                          •  Assess the nature and extent of ODL    SADC Member States, and case studies across the
                            infrastructure development and the      region which have been documented in critical areas
                            continuous professional development and  such as:
                            training of ODL teachers and lecturers; and   •  Convening participatory planning and
                          •  Delineate the national ODL initiatives that  oversight bodies;
                            have emerged in Member States, prior to and  •  Developing minimum service packages;
                            in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.    •  Developing scale-up plans for interventions;
                                In addition, the Secretariat and UNESCO ROSA  •  Assuring the safety and security of
                         jointly commissioned a research study to examine the  beneficiaries and sustainability of
                         progress and challenges that national education data  programmes;
                         and information systems have in producing reliable  •  Strengthening the participation of
                         information  on  SDG4.  The Report  findings  were  communities; and
                         presented during a Webinar on Data Gaps for SDG4  •  Resource mobilization and sustainability.
                         targets in SADC Member States at the beginning of        The SADC Secretariat has initiated the process
                         2021.                                      of disbursing funds to Lead Implementing Partners
       88                                                           and 13 projects have been funded under Round
                         HIV AND AIDS                               Three  of  the  HIV  and  AIDS  Special  Fund.  The
                                                                    projects are expected to be implemented between
                         The main objective under the RISDP is to facilitate  May  2021  and  May  2024  and  will  support  the
                         the development and harmonization of policies and  responses  of  SADC  Member  States  in  the  fight
                         strategies that will enable SADC Member States to  against HIV and AIDS. However, due to the ongoing
                         increase the access to quality health and HIV and  COVID-19 pandemic, the implementation of some
                         AIDS services and commodities, and to end AIDS  projects  has  been  delayed  due  to  the  prevailing
                         in the region by 2030.                     public health restrictions.

                         Activities undertaken during the past year   Achievements towards Vision 2050 and RISDP
                         During  year  under  review,  activities  that  were  2020-2030
                         undertaken were to develop the SADC HIV and  Harmonization and support for the implementation of
                         AIDS progress report which served to assess the  Regional  HIV  and  AIDS  policies,  strategies  and
                         progress  made  by  Member  States  on  the  2020  guidelines are key in ending the pandemic in the
                         UNAIDS targets and develop strategies that will  region, and the Unit continued to support Member
                         enhance the HIV response in the region.    States  in  this  regard.  The  SADC  Guide  for  Key
                               SADC  Member  States  have  continued  to  Populations will assist Member States to address key
                         implement HIV and AIDS interventions in line with  structural barriers to achieving regional HIV targets.
                         priorities articulated in the Maseru Declaration and         The Unit, as directed by Ministers of Health and
                         the  region  saw  a  reduction  in  the  number  of  Ministers responsible for HIV and AIDS, is rolling out
                         estimated new HIV infections by 37.3 percent in  the use of New Technology in HIV Programming
                         2019 as compared to 2010.  This decline in HIV  through  development  of  the  SADC  AGYW
                         incidence  is  still  far  less  than  -59,4%  observed  Application for effective HIV Prevention for adolescent
                         globally, however one Member State, Madagascar  girls and young women.  These developments will
                         continues to experience an increase in the number  mitigate the impact of COVID 19 in HIV service
                         of new HIV infections (+195 percent as compared  delivery and better prepare healthcare service delivery
                         to 2010).                                  for future pandemics.
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