Page 92 - 41st Summit Brochure
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                           A peaceful, inclusive, competitive, middle- to high-income industrialised region,
                           where all citizens enjoy sustainable economic well-being, justice and freedom
                              Cross Cutting Issues
                           Gender, Youth, Environment and Climate Change, and Disaster Risk Management
                           Industrial    Infrastructure
                                   Social and
                           Development    Development    Human Capital
                               in Support
                           and Market    of Regional   Development
                           Integration   CROSSCUTTING ISSUES
                             Peace, Security, and Good Governance
                                                                   v Gender Based Violence. This Result
                           GENDER                                     Area focuses on addressing Gender
                                                                      Based Violence (GBV), with emphasis
                                                                      on women and children. It focusses on
                           The mandate of the SADC Gender Unit is to  promoting and supporting the
                           facilitate, coordinate, monitor and evaluate  implementation of the SADC Regional
                           the implementation of the SADC Protocol on  Strategy and Framework of Action on
                           Gender and Development, regional sectoral  Addressing Gender-Based Violence
                           strategies, the RISDP as well as other regional,  (2018-2030) by Member States, with
                           continental and global gender instruments  specific contribution to prevention and
                           that SADC Member States are party to.      response to all forms of GBV.
                                 The  Gender   Unit   spearheads
                           mainstreaming  of  gender  in  all  regional
                           initiatives to ensure that a gender perspective  KEY ACHIEVEMENTS
                           permeates  the  entire  SADC  Regional
                           Integration Agenda. The Unit also monitors,  In  the  area  of  promoting  and  advancing
                           evaluates and ensures reporting on progress  Gender Equality and Development, the Unit
                           made  towards  the  achievement  of  gender  achieved the following milestones.
                           targets that Member States have committed
                           to at both regional and international levels.   Tool to Guide Implementation of the
                                 Gender is one of the issues which cuts  SADC Protocol on Gender and
                           across each pillar of the RISDP 2020-2030 to  Development
       90                  ensure  that  efforts  for  socio-economic  The  SADC  Regional  Guidelines  on
                           transformation of the SADC region do not  Developing  and  Implementing  National
                           marginalise sections of SADC’s population.  Gender  Action  Plans  were  developed  and
                           The mandate of the Gender Unit contributes  technically  validated  by  Member  States  in
                           to the SADC strategic objective of improving  March 2021. The Guidelines are intended to
                           human  capacities  for  socio-economic  catalyse implementation of the objectives of
                           development.                            the  SADC  Protocol  on  Gender  and
                                  The Unit’s strategic objective is to “enhance  Development by providing guidance tools for
                           gender equality, women empowerment and  operationalizing  the  Protocol  at  Member
                           development,  and  eliminate  gender-based  State level. The Guidelines will be presented
                           violence in the SADC region.”           to the Gender and Women's Affairs Ministers
                                 The two Key Results Areas of the SADC  at their 2021/2022 meeting for endorsement
                           Gender Unit are:                        before dissemination to Member States.
                           v Gender Equality and Development.
                              This Result Area focuses on increasing  SADC Engagement in the UN Commission
                              the participation of women in regional  on the Status of Women
                              development and equal access to      The SADC Gender Unit and Member States
                              opportunities. This encompasses issues  successfully participated at the 65th Session
                              of gender mainstreaming in all the   of  the  UN  Commission  on  the  Status  of
                              priority sectors of regional integration;  Women (65th CSW) in March 2021 where
                              and specifically addresses issues of  the SADC common position on the status of
                              women in politics and decision-making  Gender Equality and Women Empowerment
                              positions, women economic            was presented by the Mozambican Minister
                              empowerment, information and         of Gender as the Chairperson of SADC. The
                              experience-sharing, and the broader  SADC statement highlighted progress and
                                                                   challenges for the SADC Region with regard
                              aspects of monitoring, evaluating and
                                                                   to  the  full  and  effective  participation  and
                              reporting on the implementation of the
                                                                   decision-making of women in public life, as
                              Protocol on Gender and Development.
                                                                   well as in addressing gender-based violence.
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