Page 93 - 41st Summit Brochure
P. 93

The SADC Gender Unit and Member States
                  also contributed to the Africa position at the
                  65th  CSW  through  consultations  held  in
                  February 2021.

                  Women Economic Empowerment
                  The SADC Secretariat mobilized resources of
                  €2 million from the German Government to
                                                            SADC Regional Guideline on Developing GBV
                  support  the  implementation  of  the  SADC  Standard Operating Procedures and Referral
                  Regional   Multi-Dimensional   Women’s
                  Economic Empowerment Programme (RMD-      The Regional Guideline on Developing GBV
                  WEEP) through a project on Industrialization  Standard  Operating  Procedures (SOPs) and
                  and Women Economic Empowerment that aims  Referral  Mechanisms  were  developed  and
                  to increase the participation by women-owned  validated by Member States in November 2020.
                  businesses and women entrepreneurs in value  The  Guideline  provides  Member  States  with
                  addition  for  selected  sectors/regional  value-  concrete and pragmatic guidance on steps to
                  chains  as  per  the  SADC  Industrialization  follow in the development and implementation
                  Strategy. The project document/proposal has  of the GBV SOPs and referral mechanisms in
                  been developed and the agreement signed, with  order to facilitate access to quality, timely and
                  implementation set to commence in June 2021.
                                                            appropriate services for GBV victims/survivors.
                                                            The Guideline is intended for presentation to the
                  Gender Mainstreaming                      SADC Gender Ministers Meeting in June 2021
                  The  review  of  the  2008  SADC  Gender  for adoption before rolling out to Member States.
                  Mainstreaming Toolkit is ongoing to produce
                  user-friendly  and  sector-specific  gender  Development of the SADC GBV Training
                  mainstreaming modules that will guide Member  Guidelines
                  States  and  other  regional  stakeholders  in  The  GBV  Training  Guidelines  have  been
                  mainstreaming gender in sectoral programmes.  developed  and  validated  by  Member  States
                  Two  sector-specific  modules  of  Industrial  through  a  regional  meeting.  The  training  91
                  Development and Trade and Food, Agriculture  guideline is intended to support the capacity-
                  and Natural Resources, and a generic module on  building efforts of key GBV service providers
                  Gender Mainstreaming have been completed,  and  stakeholders  in  Member  States.  The
                  and the remaining modules will be finalized in  Guideline was to be presented to the Gender
                                                            Ministers Meeting in June 2021 for endorsement
                                                            before rolling out to Member States.
                  Gender Based Violence
                  With regard to Gender Based Violence (GBV),  Promoting Effective GBV Prevention Initiatives
                  the Unit focused on the following initiatives and  The SADC Regional Strategy and Framework of
                  some of the major achievements are as follows.
                                                            Action for Addressing Gender Based Violence
                                                            (2018-2030) identifies prevention of GBV as a
                  Review of GBV Legislation                 priority for the SADC region. In this regard, the
                  A review of GBV legislation in the SADC region  Gender  Unit  sensitized  Member  States  on
                  was conducted. The Draft Report of the GBV  effective GBV prevention and multi-stakeholder
                  Inventory and Legislation Review was validated  coordination mechanisms through a regional
                  by Member States in February 2021. The review  learning  workshop  held  in  March  2021.  The
                  exercise  established  how  comprehensive  workshop  provided  a  platform  to  build
                  national legislation is, in responding to GBV and  understanding  on  coordinated,  multi-
                  aligning with provisions of the key regional and  disciplinary GBV prevention mechanisms and
                  international GBV instruments. The review also  actions across key sectors and also facilitated
                  provided  key  recommendations  for  Member  sharing of good practices and lessons learnt on
                  States on gaps to address in strengthening GBV  promising initiatives in the region.
                  legislation.  The  Report  will  be  presented  to
                  Ministers responsible for Gender and Women  Review of GBV Indicators
                  Affairs for endorsement during their meeting in  A preliminary review of the GBV indicators as
                  2021. The outcome of this review also provided  reflected  in  the  SADC  Gender  Protocol
                  background and foundational information for  Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting Framework
                  the ongoing development of the SADC Model  have been conducted with Member States through
                  Law on Gender Based Violence.
                                                            a regional workshop in March 2021 that resulted
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