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The virtual university would have an administration centre located in Eswatini with
                  satellite online campuses at universities and colleges across the region to ensure that as
                  many people as possible benefit from the institution. The Summit commended His Majesty
                  and the Government of Eswatini for the proposal to grant 300 scholarships, representing
                  20 for each SADC Member State.
                           The  operationalisation  of  the  SADC  University  of  Transformation  was  later
                  approved  by  the  38th  Summit  as  a  virtual  university  to  focus  on  entrepreneurship,
                  innovation, commercialisation, technology transfer, enterprise development, digital and
                  knowledge economy, in support of the SADC industrialisation agenda. The university will
                  support Member States with training in relevant skills as SADC intensifies efforts to
                  transform into an industrialised region.

                  SADC Regional Development Fund
                  An agreement to operationalize the SADC Regional Development Fund was approved and
                  the Fund will be established in two Phases, with Phase 1 focusing on project preparation and
                  development. Phase 2 will have four funding windows to support regional integration through
                  infrastructure development, industrial development, integration and economic adjustment,
                  and social development, with initial capitalisation of US$120 million commencing in 2017.
                  This should allow the region to take full control of its integration agenda which still relies on
                  external support. The SADC Regional Development Fund is a financial mechanism to
                  mobilise resources from Member States, private sector and development partners to finance
                  programmes and projects to deepen regional integration and development.
                  Alternative Sources of Funding
                  The SADC region has the potential to mobilise more than US$1.2 billion to fund its own
                  programmes from alternative sources as part of efforts to reduce dependence on external
                  funding, according to studies commissioned by the SADC Secretariat. A large pool of
                  resources could be accessible for this purpose if alternative and innovative sources of funding
                  are tapped, such as small taxes or levies on imports and exports, on tourism including air
                  tickets, and financial transactions, as well as a lottery system, philanthropy, and regional events.

                  Protocols and other Legal Instruments
                  Several legal instruments were approved (see Annex): to establish a SADC Anti-Corruption
                  Committee to oversee the implementation of the Protocol Against Corruption, reporting to
                  the Ministerial Committee of the Organ on Politics, Defence and Security Cooperation; on
                  financial matters for cooperation on investment and the development of financial markets; a
                  mechanism to apply for a grace period on removal of tariffs; operationalising the SADC
                  Regional  Development  Fund;  and  amending  the  SADC  Protocol  on  Gender  and
                  Development  in  accordance  with  commitments  made  at  regional,  continental  and
                  international levels.
                  Revised SADC Protocol on Gender and Development
                  The Revised SADC Protocol on Gender and Development provides for the empowerment
                  of women, elimination of discrimination and the promotion of gender equality and equity
                  through gender-responsive legislation, policies, programmes and projects.

                  Status of Protocols
                  The Summit also reviewed the status of ratification of Protocols, noting that 26 protocols
                  have entered into force while 7 others have not yet come into force, and urged Member
                  State that are yet to accede or ratify these protocols to do so.
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