Page 81 - sadc40en
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Coordination, Implementation
                  The  Summit  directed  that  the  SADC  Secretariat  should  focus  on  coordination  of
                  programmes, while Member States should focus on implementation.

                  Regional Agricultural Investment Plan
                  The Regional Agricultural Investment Plan 2017-2022 was approved by Council in March
                  2017 to operationalize the Regional Agricultural Policy, which is expected to increase
                  agricultural production, productivity and competitiveness, access to markets and trade,
                  and increase access to finance for agriculture, reducing social and economic vulnerability
                  in the region and improving food and nutrition security.

                  SADC has taken a significant step towards the harmonisation of education across the
                  region by approving a Regional Qualifications Framework (SADCRQF) that will facilitate
                  recognition of entry and exit qualifications in critical skills areas for regional integration
                  and  development,  in  support  of  industrialisation.  Meeting  in  mid-April  2017  in
                  Johannesburg, South Africa, the Technical Committee on Certification and Accreditation
                  approved the SADCRQF, marking closer cooperation and easier access for learners and
                  workers across the region.

                  The 37 SADC Summit was held in Pretoria, South Africa on 19-20 August      2017-2018
                  2017, hosted and chaired by President Jacob Gedleyihlekisa Zuma, with the                   71
                  theme of Partnering with the Private Sector in Developing Industry
                  and Regional Value Chains.

                  Harnessing Public­Private Partnerships
                  The theme of the 37th Summit continues the trajectory of the previous
                  three  Summits,  building  towards  the  goal  of  industrialisation  and
                  sustainable development. The theme for 2014 focused on economic
                  transformation through beneficiation and value addition, while the
                  2015 theme was the transformation of natural endowment and
                  human capital, and 2016 paid special attention to resource
                  mobilisation  for  investment  in  sustainable  energy
                  infrastructure. The 2017 Summit focused on harnessing
                  partnerships  with  private  sector  to  drive  the
                  industrialisation  agenda,  urging  Member  States  to
                  address the theme through projects on Agro-processing,
                  Mineral Beneficiation, Energy, and Pharmaceuticals.

                  Shift in Approach to Development
                  A decision was taken in 2017 to shift the regional development paradigm
                  from a linear or sequential approach to a developmental approach, with
                  implementation of programmes and projects across all the stages of
                  regional integration. Under the previous planning period since
                  RISDP 2003, the region has pursued targets towards a Common
                  Currency by 2018. This was changed in 2017 to pursue a
                  developmental approach that focuses on sectoral cooperation,
                  industrialisation and infrastructure development to enable
                  sustainable use of natural resources through value addition
                  and  beneficiation,  and  competitiveness,  as  necessary
                  conditions for trade and regional integration.
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