Page 83 - sadc40en
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SADC Home and Away Roaming
                  Mobile network operators from nine SADC Member States are implementing the
                  SADC Home and Away Roaming (SHAR) project using the Roam Like at Home
                  (RLAH) principle. This is in line with the November 2014 decision of Ministers
                  responsible for Information and Communication Technology to adopt the RLAH
                  regime by regulating both the wholesale and retail roaming tariff for six years.

                  Tripartite Transport Facilitation
                  Achievements  since  the  launch  of  the  Tripartite  Transport  and
                  Transit Facilitation Programme (TTTFP) covering COMESA, EAC
                  and  SADC  include  validation  of  a  Vehicle  Load  Management
                  Agreement; Multilateral Cross Border Road Transport Agreement;
                  national and regional sensitisation programmes to identify technical
                  assistance required in 17 of the 21 Member/ Partner States; and
                  facilitation of the Cross Border Road Transport Regulators Forum.

                  Trade Facilitation for SMEs
                  The  SADC  Trade  Facilitation  Programme  was  approved  in  July  2018  to  support
                  implementation of the SADC Industrialisation Strategy and Roadmap. Achievements on
                  customs and trade facilitation include the Simplified Trade Regime (STR) Framework that
                  aims to reduce barriers to trade by simplifying the customs procedures and processes, and
                  lowering transaction costs associated with formal trade in support of small traders.  In the
                  area of trade and market integration, the first round of negotiations was completed in four  73
                  of the six priority sectors identified in the Protocol on Trade in Services – communication,
                  finance, tourism and transport services.

                  Financial Inclusion for SMEs
                  The Implementation Plan for the SADC Financial Inclusion Strategy and Small to
                  Medium Enterprises (SME) Access to Finance was approved in July 2018, assisting
                  Member States to develop their own strategies and programmes aimed at empowering
                  SMEs, youth and women to participate and contribute to economic activity.

                  The 38 SADC Summit was held in Windhoek, Namibia on 17-18 August
                  2018,hosted and chaired by President Hage Gottfried Geingob, with the
                  theme  of  Promoting  Infrastructure  Development  and  Youth
                  Empowerment for Sustainable Development.
                  Youth Empowerment
                  In addressing the Summit theme, the focus was on youth to take an active role in advancing
                  and shaping the regional integration agenda. Various platforms have been created to capture
                  the voices of the youth, including active participation at the Southern Africa Internet
                  Governance Forum in Durban, South Africa in November 2018. A SADC Youth Forum
                  was initiated as an official structure in December 2018, following youth deliberations on
                  infrastructure development and the productive sectors for employment
                  creation. Youth empowerment has been mainstreamed in the SADC
                  agenda with a long-term perspective and enabling framework.
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