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Tracking Progress
                                SADC publications tracking progress towards regional integration were launched on the
                                sidelines of the 36th Summit including the SADC Gender Monitor that tracks implementation
                                of the Protocol on Gender and Development; the SADC Energy Monitor, which is a baseline
                                study of the energy sector in the region; and a baseline study of Trafficking in Persons in the
                                SADC Region, revealing the nature, extent and impact of trafficking in persons in the region.

                                Decline in New Infections of HIV and AIDS
                                The SADC region has seen a significant decline in new infections since 2009 and a decline in
                                AIDS-related deaths, as well as an increase in the coverage for Prevention of Mother-to-Child
                                Transmission, reaching 90 percent in 2015. The Summit urged Member States to continue
                                to provide human and financial resources to sustain these positive trends in key focus areas of
                                prevention, treatment, care and support; and noted and appreciated the substantial reduction
                                in the incidence of tuberculosis and malaria, including malaria-related mortality.

                                Food Security
                                The Summit noted the overall deterioration of the regional food security situation following
                                the 2015/16 agricultural season caused by the extreme El Niño drought phenomenon, which
                                left the region with a cereal deficit of 9 million tonnes and 39.6 million people in need of food
                                and other humanitarian assistance. Summit appealed to the regional and international
                                community for support to the affected population, to close the gap of US$2.5 billion.

        70                      Amani Africa
                                Summit commended the Republic of South Africa for hosting AMANI AFRICA II Field
                                Training Exercise (AAFTX II) in October/November 2015 and Member States that
                                contributed and participated in this very important continental exercise.

                                Renewable Energy Strategy
                                A Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Strategy and Action Plan (REEESAP)  was
                                approved by energy experts from the region in October 2016 for the period 2016-2030 to
                                provide a framework for Member States to develop renewable energy strategies. This was
                                approved in July 2017 by the Committee of Ministers responsible for Energy and is expected
                                to lead to greater use of energy resources such as wind, solar, and gas to hydro and biofuels,
                                as well as reducing dependence on traditional sources, and attract investment to the sector.

                                         The SADC We Want
                                         A major milestone during the year was the Ministerial Retreat in Eswatini on
                                         12-14 March 2017 with the theme The SADC We Want, which assessed progress
                                         and  discussed  ways  to  strengthen  and  accelerate  implementation  of  the
                                         integration agenda. The conclusions of the Ministerial Retreat were approved
                                         by  an  Extra-Ordinary  Summit  held  on  18  March,  which  directed  the
                                         Secretariat to develop an implementation plan and roadmap to focus on
                                         priorities  of  infrastructure  development,  industrialisation  and  market
                                         integration, with peace and security as a prerequisite; develop a mechanism for
                                         tracking progress on implementation and compliance; strengthen participation
                                         of private sector; review SADC organs; and submit recommendations for
                                         sustainable financing for regional integration.

                                Costed Action Plan for Industrialisation Strategy and Roadmap
                                The Extra-Ordinary Summit held at Lozitha Palace (Mandvulo) in March, hosted and
                                chaired by His Majesty, King Mswati III, also approved the Costed Action Plan for the
                                SADC Industrialisation Strategy and Roadmap 2015-2063 and emphasised high-impact
                                activities, effective monitoring, and the role of the private sector in implementation.
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