Page 84 - sadc40en
P. 84

Southern Africa Liberation Day
                                The 38 Summit endorsed 23 March as the day for annual commemoration of the
                                Southern Africa Liberation Day. The date marks the end of the last battle against apartheid
                                at Cuito Cuanavale in southern Angola and commemorates the independence of all
                                SADC Member States.

                                Union of Comoros becomes a SADC Member State
                                Union of Comoros attended the 38th Summit for the first time as a
                                Member  State,  after  depositing  the  Instruments  of  Accession,  thus
                                acceding to the SADC Treaty.  The 37th Summit had agreed to admit
                                Comoros  as  the  16th  Member  State  after  meeting  the  criteria  for
                                admission of new members.

                                Declaration on Eliminating Malaria
                                The  Summit  approved  the  Declaration  on  Eliminating
                                Malaria in the SADC Region to firmly place the elimination
                                of malaria on the agenda of all Member States

                                WEF Nexus
                                Water, Energy and Food Security (WEF) are key priorities for
                                SADC and the WEF Nexus Operational Framework provides
                                guidance and tools for decision-making and coordination
        74                      between sectors to facilitate joint investments and unlock the
                                potential of the region’s resources. In line with the SADC
                                Council decision in August 2018, a governance framework is
                                being developed by the Secretariat so Member States can
                                identify innovative and integrated approaches to optimise the
                                use  of  resources,  manage  the  competing  demands,  and
                                maximise the benefits.

                                Post­2020 Development Agenda
                                With the RISDP 2015-2020 coming to an end in December 2020, SADC began the
                                process of recalibrating its development agenda. The proposed SADC Vision 2050 and
                                the accompanying RISDP 2020-2030 is the culmination of an intensive process that began
                                with the decision of an Extraordinary Summit in Angola in June 2012 to develop a long-
                                term vision for the region. The RISDP 2020-2030 is expected to combine the objectives
                                of the RISDP and the SIPO.
                                Strengthening National and Regional Linkages
                                The  programme  to  strengthen  National-Regional  Linkages  commenced
                                implementation in September 2018 to strengthen the capacity of SADC Member States
                                to implement the regional agenda at country level, targeting results and focusing on
                                activities with impact.

                                Towards a Regional Parliament
                                The  first  historic  steps  have  been  taken  towards  the  transformation  of  the  SADC
                                Parliamentary Forum into a Regional Parliament, as discussed at the 38th SADC Summit,
                                when the Council of Ministers directed the Secretariat to establish a Task Force to analyse
                                the proposed transformation and report to the next Summit. The SADC Parliamentary
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