Page 47 - 40th Summit Brochure 2020
P. 47

The protocol will also strengthen the level  building capacities and capabilities to ac-
                             of industrial development in the region and  tively participate in the implementation of
                             facilitate the harmonisation of policies and  the  SADC  Industrialisation  Strategy  and
                             strategies. Where Member States already have  Roadmap as well as regional value chains.
                             such policies and strategies, these can be re-         T e Directorate has continued strength-
                             viewed and aligned to the SADC Industriali-  ening the central role of various stakehold-
                             sation  Strategy  and  Roadmap.  T erefore,  ers  including  Member  States,  f nanciers,
                             SADC Member States are working towards  technical partners, think tanks and acade-
                             ratifying the Protocol in 2020 to ensure that it  mia by facilitating the establishment of the
                             becomes a binding legal instrument to facili-  regional private sector association.
                             tate industrial development in the region. T e
                             main constraint is the slow pace of ratif cation  Establishment of SADC Business Council
                             which requires two-thirds of SADC Member  T e  SADC  Business  Council  was  estab-
      44                     States to facilitate entry into force during 2020  lished  in  August  2019  during  the  2019
                             leading to implementation.             SADC Industrialisation Week in the United
                                                                    Republic of Tanzania, to strengthen private
                              Approval of Regional Mining Vision    sector engagement in advancing regional in-
                             In the area of mining, a major milestone was  tegration. T e Business Council is expected
                             achieved in August 2019 when the SADC  to  strengthen  the  involvement  of  private
                             Regional Mining Vision (RMV) and Action  sector in the SADC integration and devel-
                             Plan were approved. Implementation of this  opment agenda, at regional level and na-
                             regional initiative is now in progress. T e  tional  level.  T e  decision  to  strengthen
                             RMV and Action Plan aim at optimising the  private sector engagement in regional inte-
                             sustainable developmental impact of min-  gration is in line with the recommendations
                             eral resources extraction across the region  of the SADC Strategic Ministerial Retreat on
                             while being cognisant of the dif ering levels  the “SADC We Want” held in Eswatini in
                             of  development of mineral sectors in the  March 2017. T e meeting agreed on meas-
                             Member States. T e RMV is anchored on  ures to strengthen implementation of the in-
                             the  tenets  of  the  African  Mining  policy  tegration  agenda  and  promote  inclusive
                             framework that was created by the African  participation by citizens in regional pro-
                             Union in 2009 to ensure that Africa utilises  grammes, noting that the lack of direct in-
                             its mineral resources strategically for broad-  volvement by the private sector is a barrier
                             based, inclusive development.          to economic development.
                                                                           T e convening of an annual SADC Indus-
                              Empowering SMEs in Industrial         trialisation Week is one of the many initiatives
                             Development                            to strengthen private sector involvement in re-
                             T e Directorate has continued strengthen-  gional integration. Launched in 2016 in Eswa-
                             ing the role of Small and Medium Enter-  tini, the industrialisation week provides an
                             prises  (SMEs)  to  promote  employment  opportunity for Member States and the SADC
                             growth  and  national  development  by  Secretariat to engage and network with the
                             preparing a Regional Framework for Sup-  private sector, which is a key player in the in-
                             plier Development with the special focus on  dustrialisation agenda.
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