Page 60 - 40th Summit Brochure 2020
P. 60
tion and commissioning of the Safe Water the nearby border town of Simunye to
Supply pilot project in February 2020 in provide the water supply for the f rst phase
Dedza District. of the joint project for the Lomahasha and
T e project, which was funded by Namaacha border towns of Eswatini and
GEF/CIWA through SADC-GMI, explored Mozambique, respectively.
deep aquifers by drilling a 100m deep bore-
hole, equipping the borehole with a motorised Kazungula Water Supply System
electric pump and reticulating water to 10 The Defence Sector responded to the re-
communal-type distribution points around currence of disasters in the region by con-
the community. T is culminated in the supply vening a multi-dimensional technical team
of water to approximately 15,000 inhabitants of experts to review the SADC Standby
of Chimbiya Trading Centre, a community Force disaster response mechanism. This
that had acute water challenges af ecting their was in line with the 39th SADC Summit
livelihoods in many ways. T e project was im- directive that tasked the Secretariat with
plemented by Water Mission Malawi, as ap- expediting the operationalization of the
pointed by the Government of the Republic SADC Disaster Preparedness and Re-
of Malawi upon receiving the project funds sponse Mechanism as part of regional
from the SADC-GMI Project. measures to respond to the impact of cli-
In Zimbabwe, a water supply scheme was mate change. The convening of a regional
implemented in Upper Manyame Sub-catch- multi-dimensional technical team resulted
ment, which has provided water for both in the adoption of the draft SADC Standby
drinking and livelihood projects for the com- Force Contingency Plan and Standard Op-
munity. erating Procedures to support Disaster Re-
T rough this programme SADC has also lief and Humanitarian Operations in
realised capacity-building of two interns from collaboration with the Disaster Risk Re-
each of the SADC Member States. duction Component of the Secretariat and
Member States.
Eswatini-Mozambique Cross-border Water
Project Resilient Waters Project
SADC has launched detailed designs for the Through the support of the SADC Water 57
joint cross-border water supply project Fund, Global Water Partnership Southern
between the border towns of Lomahasha and Africa and the Climate Resilient Infra-
Namaacha of Eswatini and Mozambique structure Facility, SADC is continuing to
respectively. During its f rst phase, the mobilise funding support to implement
project is expected to see the transfer of strategic and resilient water supply infra-
water from Eswatini into structure for border and in-
Mozambique, while the second land towns in the
phase will witness the strategic corridors
reverse transfer of water in the region.
from the Mozambican
side of the border into
Eswatini. T e project is
funded by the SADC
Water Fund, through
support from the
German development
bank KfW. It is expected to
lead to an increase in clean
water supply to an additional
population of 4,800 during the f rst phase,
with an ultimate increase in water access for
an additional 46,500 people at the end of
phase two. T e detailed designs are expected
to be completed by September 2020, and
actual construction will commence early in
T e government of Eswatini has already
completed the upstream work of expanding
the capacity of an existing water supply in