Page 59 - 40th Summit Brochure 2020
P. 59

Priority B

                                                                    ❖ Ef  cient and ef ective management of
                                   INFRASTRUCTURE                      shared watercourses and improved de-
                                                                       velopment of strategic water infrastruc-
                                                                    ❖ Provision of adequate, integrated and ef  -
                                                                       cient transport infrastructure and serv-
                             MANDATE OF DIRECTORATE
                                                                    ❖ Supply of adequate energy in the region;
                                                                    ❖ Universal access to af ordable Informa-
                              T e primary function of the Directorate of  tion  Communication  Technologies
                             Infrastructure is to facilitate and coordinate  (ICT);
                             the transformation of the region into an in-  ❖ Timely and credible meteorological and
      56                     tegrated economy by promoting the provi-  climate information; and,
                             sion   of   adequate,   interconnected,  ❖ Investment  in  regional  infrastructure
                             cost-ef ective and ef  cient regional infra-  development.
                             structure. T e overall goal of the Directorate
                             is Infrastructure in Support of Regional In-
                             tegration and Poverty Alleviation. T e spe-  MAJOR ACHIEVEMENTS FOR 2019/20
                             cif c objective is to ensure the availability of
                             suf  cient, integrated, ef  cient and cost-ef ec-  T e achievements and challenges of the dif-
                             tive infrastructure and the provision of sus-  ferent sectors during the period under re-
                             tainable services to support, promote and  view were:
                             sustain regional economic development, in-
                             dustrialisation, trade, investment and agri-
                             culture for poverty alleviation.       WATER
                                     T e expected results are strengthened re-
                             gional development, connectivity and eco-  Groundwater Provision
                             nomic  competitiveness,  improvement  in  T rough the SADC Groundwater Manage-
                             services, a conducive and enabling environ-  ment  Institute,  SADC  is  implementing  a
                             ment for investment in infrastructure, and re-  number of pilot water-supply schemes in all
                             duction in the cost of doing business across the  Member States that submitted proposals for
                             region. T e Regional Infrastructure Develop-  funding  support  through  the  small-grant
                             ment Master Plan (RIDMP), the infrastruc-  project  component  of  the  regional  pro-
                             ture  strategic  plan  for  the  region,  is  the  gramme. At least three of the schemes have
                             principal mechanism for implementing Prior-  been completed and these are in Botswana,
                             ity B of the Regional Indicative Strategic De-  Malawi and Zimbabwe.
                             velopment Plan (RISDP), which specif cally        The completed projects in Malawi are
                             deals with Infrastructure Development in Sup-  in the Chimbiya community in Dedza Dis-
                             port of Regional Integration.          trict. The Chimbiya community, approxi-
                                     Outcomes of the interventions of the Di-  mately 60km from Lilongwe, will no longer
                             rectorate are motivated by the following Key  travel  long  distances  to  access  potable
                             Result Areas:
                                                                    water. This follows the successful comple-
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