Page 62 - 40th Summit Brochure 2020
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a framework and roadmap is under consid-  • Africa Clean Energy Corridor;
                  eration to strengthen and transform RERA  • Water Energy- Food Nexus Mini Grids;
                  from an association to the SADC Regional  and
                  Energy Regulatory Authority.           • Small Hydro power Mapping.

                  Regional Energy Access Initiatives     Diversifying Energy Mix
                  T e revised Regional Energy Access Strategy  T e SADC Secretariat has embarked on a
                  and Action Plan and the Renewable Energy  study to develop a Regional Gas Master Plan
                  and Energy Ef  ciency Strategy and Action  that will guide the exploitation of the vast nat-
                  Plan, developed by the SADC Secretariat with  ural gas resources that exist in the region. T e
                  support from the EU, have been mandated to  report is expected to unpack drivers for a re-
                  the SADC Centre for Renewable Energy and  gional gas market, analysis of enabling regu-
                  Energy Ef  ciency (SACREEE) for implemen-  latory frameworks, natural gas supply and
                  tation. Furthermore SACREEE has developed  demand assessment and regional gas infra-
                  a business plan focusing on key projects and  structure development outlook. T is is ex-
                  programmes that include:               pected to contribute to the development of a
                  • Energy Ef  ciency Lighting and Appli-  SADC gas industry and establishing gas-to-
                     ances;                              power energy plants for diversifying the gen-
                  • SADC Industrial Energy Ef  ciency ;  eration energy mix which is dominated by
                  • Renewable  Energy  Entrepreneurship  coal and hydro in the region. T e study is
                     Support Facility;                   being supported by the Development Bank of
                  • Accelerating large-scale renewable energy  Southern Africa and the SADC Inter State
                     deployment in Southern Africa;      (Regional)  Gas  Committee  established  to
                  • Capacity Development Programme on    oversee the development of the SADC Re-
                     Renewable Energy;                   gional Gas Master Plan.


        About SAPP                                             Mission

        The Southern African Power Pool (SAPP) was created in August 1995 at   Aim to provide the least cost, environmentally friendly and affordable
        the  SADC  summit  held  in  Kempton  Park,  South  Africa,  when  member   energy and increase accessibility to rural communities.
        governments  of  SADC  (excluding  Mauritius)  signed  an  Inter-
        Governmental  Memorandum  of  Understanding  for  the  formation  of  an   Strategy
        electricity power pool in the region under the name of the Southern African
        Power  Pool.  The  Ministers  Responsible  for  Energy  in  the  SADC  region   To be the most preferred region for investment for value for money
        signed  the  Revised  Inter-Governmental  Memorandum  of  Understanding   by energy intensive users.
        on 23 February 2006 that paved the way for Independent Power Producers
        to participate in SAPP activities.                     Values

        Vision                                                       Respect for others and develop mutual trust.
                                                                     Honesty,  complete  fairness  and  integrity  in  dealing  with
              Facilitate the development of a competitive electricity market in   issues.
              the SADC region.                                       Selfless discharge of duties.
              Give the end user a choice of electricity supplier.       Full accountability to the organisation and its stakeholders.
              Ensure that the southern African region is the region of choice       Encourage openness and objectivity.
              for investment by energy intensive users.
              Ensure  sustainable  energy  developments  through  sound   Key Highlights
              economic, environmental and social practices.
                                                                     Installed generation capacity in the Region stands at 72,156
        Objectives                                                   MW as at 31 March 2020.
                                                                     The region installed a total of 29,726 MW from 2004 to 2019
              Provide a forum for the development of a world class, robust,   and plans to install a total of 16,515 MW in the next 4 years
              safe,  efficient,  reliable  and  stable  interconnected  electrical       SAPP  is  currently  operating  various  electricity  trading
              system in the southern African region.                 markets  namely  Bilateral  Contracts,  Day  Ahead  Market,
              Coordinate and enforce common regional standards of quality of   Week  Ahead  Market,  Month  Ahead  Market  and  Intra-Day
              supply, measurement and monitoring of systems performance.   Market.  A  total  of  2,004  GWh  was  traded  in  2019/20
              Harmonise relationships between member utilities.      compared to 2,054 GWh in 2018/19. A total of USD 145.8
              Facilitate the development of regional expertise through training   million was exchanged among market players in 2019/20.
              programmes and research.                               The competitive market share compared to bilateral trades
              Increase power accessibility in rural communities.     was 21.3%
              Implement  strategies  in  support  of  sustainable  development       SAPP  continues  to  lead  the  project  preparatory  works  for
              priorities.                                            various generation and transmission projects in SADC.
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