Page 61 - 40th Summit Brochure 2020
P. 61

The  targeted  areas  include  Living-  and development of power generation plants
                             stone/Chirundu  in  Zambia  and  Zim-  to address the supply shortfall in the region.
                             babwe, respectively; Nakonde/Tunduma   In 2019/20, the SADC region commissioned
                             (Zambia/Tanzania);  as  well  as  Kasum-  3,595 megawatts (MW) of power generation
                             balesa on the border between Zambia and  capacity from both public utilities and inde-
                             the  Democratic  Republic  of  Congo   pendent  power  producers.  T e  Malawi-
                             (DRC),  and  Beitbridge  on  the  South  Mozambique  transmission  interconnector
                             Africa-Zimbabwe border.                reached f nancial closure and implementation
                                                                    was scheduled to commence in the second
                                                                    quarter of 2020.
                              ENERGY SECTOR                                T e governments of Angola and Zambia
                                                                    signed an Inter-Governmental Memorandum
                                                                    of Understanding to facilitate the preparation
                              Energy Supply and Power Trading       and implementation of the Angola-Zambia
                              Regional transmission infrastructure plays a  transmission interconnector.
                             vital role in facilitating energy trading and
                             security of supply among SADC Member   Regional Energy Sector Regulatory
                             States through management of surpluses  Initiatives
                             and def cits within the region. To unlock  T rough the Regional Electricity Regulators
                             transmission congestion and promote shar-  Association of Southern Africa (RERA), the
                             ing of benef ts from increased generation  SADC Secretariat is providing technical assis-
                             capacity across the borders of SADC Mem-  tance to the DRC and Comoros to establish
                             ber States, the SADC Secretariat in collabo-  energy regulatory authorities. T e technical
                             ration  with  the  Southern  African  Power  assistance is being funded under the Euro-
                             Pool Coordination Centre (SAPP CC) and  pean Union (EU) Project on Enhancing of a
                             with support from the World Bank, is un-  Sustainable Regional Energy Market for East-
                             dertaking a study on the modalities for es-  ern  Africa,  Southern  Africa  and  Indian
                             tablishing  and  operating  the  SADC  Ocean. RERA has also accepted the member-
      58                     Regional Transmission Infrastructure Fi-  ship application by the Utility Regulatory Au-
                             nancing Facility (RTIFF).              thority of Mauritius.
                                     In  addition,  the  SADC  Secretariat,         To create an enabling environment for en-
                             through SAPP, has coordinated the planning  ergy trade and support the RTIFF initiatives,

           Proposed Scope of the SADC Regional Transmission Infrastructure Financing Facility

                   Source: SADC Secretariat, 2020
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