Page 63 - 40th Summit Brochure 2020
P. 63

TRANSPORT SECTOR                      Technical Assistance
                                                                    Member/Partner States have of en taken a
                              Tripartite Transport Programme        long time to implement signed/ratif ed agree-
                              T e Tripartite Transport and Transit Facili-  ments. To assist Member/Partner States in the
                              tation Programme (TTTFP), funded by the  speedy domestication of the MCBRTA and
                              European Union under the 11th EDF, is im-  VLMA, the TTTFP has developed the fol-
                              plementing the harmonised minimum stan-  lowing:
                              dards in cross-border road transportation  ❖ Model Laws and Regulations covering:
                              in the Common Market for Eastern and     •Vehicle Load Management;
                              Southern Africa, East African Community  •Cross  Border  Road  Transportation
                              and  SADC  within  the  framework  of  the  (inclusive of operator quality provi-
                              Multilateral Cross Border Road Transport    sions);
                              Agreement (MCBRTA) and Vehicle Load      •Road Traf  c (inclusive of vehicle and
                              Management Agreement (VLMA) that re-        driver quality provisions);
                              quire quality regulation of operators, vehi-  •Road  Traf  c  and  Transport  Trans-
                              cles and drivers within the Tripartite region.  gressions (inclusive of decriminalisa-
      60                            T e TTTFP is coordinated and man-     tion of of ences and demerit points
                             aged by the SADC Secretariat on behalf of    system); and
                             the Tripartite regional economic communi-  •Transportation of Dangerous Goods
                             ties. T e programme is being implemented
                                                                          by Road.
                             in four stages:                        ❖ Harmonised Standards, initially adopted,
                                 • Stage 1: Establish Statutory Basis  and now by the extended Tripartite Com-
                                 •Stage 2: Institutional Capacity and  mittee with the African Organisation for
                                   Development of Systems              Standardisation participation:
                                 • Stage 3: Implementation of Systems  •Vehicle  Roadworthiness  Testing,  a
                                 • Stage 4: Commissioning in Selected     six-part standard;
                                   Corridors, Monitoring, Evaluation   •Vehicle Safety, several standards relat-
                                   and Roll-out Strategy                  ing to equipment on vehicles and pro-
                                    T is  statutory  framework  was  for-  tection to occupants in the event of a
                             malised by the Tripartite Sectoral Ministe-  collision;
                             rial Committee on Infrastructure in Lusaka,  •Driving  Licence  Card,  a  four-part
                             Zambia in October 2019 when it adopted       standard compliant with ISO specif -
                             the  MCBRTA,  VLMA  and  supporting
                             model  laws.    However,    meetings  of  the  cations;
                             other Tripartite policy organs have been de-  •Transport  of  Dangerous  Goods  by
                             layed due to the COVID-19 restrictions on    Road, based on the UN-developed
                             face-to-face  meetings  and  international   Agreement on the Transport of Dan-
                             travel. T ese are the Tripartite Sectoral Min-  gerous Goods;
                             isterial Committee on Legal Af airs, Tripar-  •Cross Border Road Transport Man-
                             tite  Council  of  Ministers,  and  Tripartite  agement System, setting the require-
                             Summit where the Heads of State are to sign  ments for voluntary compliance by
                             the agreements. Consequently, the ratif ca-  operators;
                             tion and domestication of the agreements  •Accreditation  of  Weigh  Stations,  a
                             have been delayed.                           four-part standard as required in the
                                                                          VLMA; and
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