Page 66 - 40th Summit Brochure 2020
P. 66

Internet Exchange Points
                  Internet Exchange Points (IXPs) are a vital  Internet Exchange Points (IXPs)
                  component of the Internet ecosystem, they
                  optimise the performance of the Internet by
                  bringing  about  low  latency,  improved
                  throughput, reduces costs related to inter-
                  national links and improves Internet user
                  experience. Basically, IXPs enable low-cost
                  exchange of Internet traffic in the domestic
                  market that it serves. All SADC Member
                  States have set up at least one National IXP
                  (NIXP).  As  of  December  2018,  the  IXPs
                  from South Africa and Zimbabwe had com-
                  pleted the three year transformation process
                  to  fully  operational  SADC  Regional  IXP
                  (RIXP) and there are in excess of five IXPs
                  connected to the two SADC RIXPs. The ob-
                  jective of the RIXPs is to ensure that SADC
                  traffic remains within SADC.
                        In  addition,  Member  States  have  been
                  urged to establish dual N/RIXPs and their in-
                  terconnection to each other, thereby creating
                  a SADC Internet exchange cloud of N/RIXPs
                  (mesh network of RIXPs). Cross-border con-
                  nections to the RIXPs is a challenge and as a
                  result the SADC Regional Cross Border In-
                  terconnection Policy Framework and Refer-
                  ence Interconnection Of er were developed  Source: SADC Secretariat
                  to create a high level of transparency on tarif s                                              63
                  and harmonisation of agreements, promote  World Radio Communications Conference
                  good practices, bring down cross-border in-  Allocation  of  usage  of  Radio  Frequency
                  terconnections costs and promote connec-  (RF)  spectrum  and  satellite  orbital  re-
                                                          sources, which are finite and scarce national
                  tions  to  the  RIXPs.  An  assessment  of  the
                  international  interconnection  pricing  has  resources that are vital for the provision of
                                                          communications services, are stipulated in
                  commenced. Inventory has been undertaken
                  of  the  hosting  and  type  of  Root  Domain  the  International  Telecommunication
                                                          Union (ITU) Radio Regulations, a legal in-
                  Name System Servers instances in SADC re-
                  gion. All Member States, except Comoros,  strument of the ITU which has treaty status.
                                                          As the bulk of the RF spectrum has been al-
                  Eswatini and Zambia, have at least one Root
                  DNS Server instance.                    located and new wireless technologies are
                                                          being  developed,  the  ITU  World  Radio
                  Harmonisation of Emergency Services     communication Conference (WRC) is con-
                                                          vened to review and revise these radio reg-
                  Emergency services such as police, fire and
                  ambulance are very critical for the safety  ulations so as to facilitate the sharing and
                                                          reuse of these resources by the union’s 193
                  and well-being of SADC citizens. More so
                  is the need for easy-to-remember number-  membership. WRC-19 was held in October
                                                          2019  in  Egypt  during  which  SADC  con-
                  ing for these emergency services. This is to
                  assist for citizens travelling across the re-  tributed significantly to Africa’s common
                                                          position for the conference. The SADC re-
                  gion who at some point need to access these
                  critical services in the countries visited. In  gion found it absolutely necessary to speak
                                                          with  one  voice  by  harmonising  Member
                  an effort to make emergency-related num-
                  bers easy to recall and familiar to travellers,  State positions and proposals on the WRC
                                                          Agenda Items. The last SADC preparatory
                  SADC has harmonised the numbering plan
                  of such services across the region, making  meeting was held with East African Com-
                                                          munications Organization in June 2019 in
                  the use of the short codes “112” for all the
                  three emergency services (Police, Fire and  Dar es Salaam, United Republic of Tanza-
                                                          nia. A SADC ICT Ministerial decision was
                  Ambulance) and “116” to access the child
                  helpline services.                      taken that a SADC Member State should
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