Page 67 - 40th Summit Brochure 2020
P. 67

special procedure stipulated in ITU Resolu-
                                                                    tion  559  (WRC-19).  T e  Member  States
                                                                    had a deadline of 21 May 2020 to submit the
                                                                    BSS f lings to the ITU.

                                                                    Harmonised Cyber Security Legal and
                                                                    Regulatory Framework
                             host the final African Preparatory Meeting  The SADC Harmonised Cyber Security
                             for WRC-19, as it is an ATU tradition that  Legal and Regulatory Framework of No-
                             the  host  of  that  meeting  would  lead  the  vember 2012 consists of three SADC Har-
                             Africa Group interventions and chair the  monised  Cyber  Security  Model  Laws
                             Africa Group at WRC. T is was realised  (E-Transactions/E-commerce, Data Pro-
                             when South Africa hosted the f nal African  tection,  and  Cybercrime).  All  SADC
                             Preparatory Meeting in August 2019. T e  Member States have either transposed the
                             WRC-19 outcomes were favourable to the  SADC Harmonised Cyber Security Model
                             SADC region. T is is the strategy to ensure  Laws or have a cyber-security legal frame-
                             the SADC region has access to adequate RF  work  in  place.  Data  is  the  new  oil  and
                             spectrum through the ITU RF allocations  many jurisdictions around the region have
                             for the present and future communications  enhanced  their  data  protection  frame-
                             systems to support regional integration and  works. An assessment of the transposition
                             socio-economic development for the bene-  on SADC Model Law on Data Protection
                             f t of SADC citizens.                  in SADC Member States and gap analysis
                                                                    was completed in November 2019.
                              Shared Satellite Programme                  In order to institutionalise the SADC
                              T e Framework for SADC Shared Satellite  Harmonised Cyber Security Legal and Reg-
                             Programme was developed with the overar-  ulatory Framework and implement the e-
                             ching objective to enable the development  SADC  Strategic  Framework  and  SADC
      64                     a  SADC  Regional  Shared  Satellite  Pro-  Cyber Security Action Plan, Member States
                             gramme  that  harnesses  the  potential  of  are setting up National and Regional Com-
                             satellite technology to provide communica-  puter Incident Response Teams (CIRT). In
                             tion services and products to fulf l the eco-  collaboration with the ITU, several SADC
                             nomic, political, social and environmental  Member States have established national
                             needs  of  SADC.  Preliminary  feasibility  CIRTs while others are at an advanced stage.
                             studies for the deployment of a dedicated  All SADC Member States are expected to
                             SADC-owned and operated satellite net-  have their CIRTs operation by end of 2020.
                             work have shown promising results. Central        The first SADC Cyber Drill to provide
                             to the implementation of the framework is  hands-on training on typical cyber inci-
                             the aspect of addressing the regional expert-  dents such as cyber extortion, phishing
                             ise in satellite communications technology.  and ransomware was held in September
                             In  collaboration  with  the  ITU,  three  (3)  2018 in Mauritius. Cyber drills are used to
                             hands-on  technical  training  sessions  to  assess  Member  States’  preparedness  to
                             build a pool of experts in the region on ITU  timely detect, respond and mitigate cyber
                             satellite  sof ware,  Radio  Regulation  and  incidents. SADC plans to establish a Re-
                             Rules and Procedure on Satellite Networks  gional CIRT that will enhance regional,
                             have been organised and over 100 satellite  continental and internal co-operation on
                             experts from the region have been men-  cyber security, facilitate capacity building
                             tored.                                 and information and technology sharing.
                                    As part of implementing the framework        It will also become the reference cen-
                             and creating awareness on the operations  tre for regional cyber security objectives
                             and control of satellites, Member States had  and support developing draft regional or
                             the opportunity in January 2020 to receive  national cyber security frameworks and
                             a guided tour of the Angola Satellite Mission  policies. The Framework for Setting up
                             and Control Centre. Member States have  the SADC Regional CIRT has been ap-
                             developed new satellite f lings for national  proved by the SADC ICT Ministers and
                             Broadcasting Satellite Service (BSS) in the  Member  States  have  been  requested  to
                             ITU  planned  bands  to  replace  their  de-  submit Expressions of Interest for hosting
                             graded  assignments  in  pursuance  of  the  the Regional CIRT.
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