Page 68 - 40th Summit Brochure 2020
P. 68

Digital Terrestrial Television Migration  • Phase 2: Wholesale and Retail Price Cap
                   Six Member States have completed the tran-  Regulation:  Roam Like At Home; and
                   sition from analogue to Digital Terrestrial  • Phase 3:Cost-based Roaming Price Reg-
                   Television (DTT) -- Eswatini, Malawi, Mau-  ulation.
                   ritius,  Namibia,  Tanzania  and  Zambia.        T ere are 10 Member States implement-
                   Seven others are at an advanced stage, op-  ing the SADC Roaming Project. Phases 1 and
                   erating both analogue and DTT networks  2 have been completed. To implement Phase
                   (dual illumination) and are to pursue Ana-  3, the SADC Roaming Cost Model was devel-
                   logue Switch Of  (ASO) by the end of 2020  oped, which is a generic costing model to es-
                   --  Angola,  Botswana,  Lesotho,  Mozam-  tablish the actual wholesale costs incurred by
                   bique, Seychelles, South Africa, and Zim-  the  visiting  Mobile  Network  Operators
                   babwe. T e remaining three Member States  (MNOs) within the SADC Community for
                   have deployed DTT networks but these are  purposes of estimating the true retail tarif s
                   privately owned and provide Pay-TV serv-  cost of roaming services within the region.
                   ices, mostly in the densely populated city         T e  cost  model  determines  both
                   areas. Availability of Set Top Boxes (STBs)  wholesale and retail tarif  ceilings for
                   for  reception  of  DTT  transmission  is  a  various  roaming  types  of  calls  and
                   major challenge.                      services. Ministers responsible for ICT
                         Eight Member States (Eswatini, Malawi,  approved these ceilings during their
                   Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Tanza-  2019 meeting. T e journey towards
                   nia, Zambia and Zimbabwe) are streaming  the cost-based roaming tarif s will be
                   their national public TV channels via the In-  made in two phases from 2019 to 2025.
                   ternet  while  four  (Namibia,  South  Africa,  T e critical policy and regulatory re-
                   Tanzania and Zimbabwe) have mobile appli-  quirement will be for Member States to
                   cations to access their public TV channels.  review  their  appropriate  regulations  to
                   Angola and Botswana are piloting broadcast-  allow for harmonisation of international ter-
                   ing TV content directly to mobile devices  mination rates in the region.
                   using 1Seg capability of their DTT networks.
                         T e SADC TV Channel is an initiative                                                    65
                   anchored on the Revised SADC Communi-  METEOROLOGY SECTOR
                   cations and Promotional Strategy 2016-2020.
                   Its pilot phase involves sharing and playout  Weather and Climate Services
                   using an online Content Sharing Hub. T e  The  primary  objective  is  to  ensure
                   programme name is Eye on SADC and is  timely  and  credible  meteorological
                   presently  a  30-minute  current  news  pro-  and climate information and prod-
                   gramme until it becomes a full-f edged chan-  ucts are disseminated to stakehold-
                   nel. A successful demonstration of the SADC  ers  to  support  planning  for
                   TV Channel was made to the SADC ICT   socio-economic   development,
                   Ministers at their meeting in September 2018  weather-related disaster risk man-
                   in Windhoek, Namibia. Ten Member States  agement and the rational use, con-
                   (Angola,  Botswana,  Eswatini,  Lesotho,  servation and protection of natural
                   Malawi, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia,  resources.  The interventions are to
                   Zambia and Zimbabwe) are broadcasting the  improve  the  meteorological  infra-
                   Eye on SADC programme. T e language is  structure that are fully integrated, effi-
                   English but the plan is to carry subtitles in  cient,  and  cost-effective  to  meet  the
                   other SADC of  cial languages which can be  requirements of the users, and to min-
                   accessed using the DTT technology through  imise adverse effects of severe weather and
                   STBs.                                 climate  phenomena  by  the  uptake  of
                                                         weather and climate information services
                   Pricing of Roaming Services           for development planning. In this regard,
                   The SADC Roaming Project, whose major  the SADC Secretariat, through its Climate
                   aim is to facilitate transparency and af-  Services Centre, is implementing the conti-
                   fordable  roaming  voice,  data  and  SMS  nent-wide Satellite and Weather Information
                   services, is being implemented in three  for Disaster Resilience in Africa (SAWIDRA)
                   phases:                               project in the SADC region under the name
                   • Phase 1: Liberalisation and Transparency  Southern African Regional Climate Services
                      of  Roaming  Tarif s,  Information  and  for Disaster Resilience (SARCIS-DR) Project,
                      Data Collection;                   funded by the African Development Bank
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