Page 79 - 40th Summit Brochure 2020
P. 79

T e SADC Secretariat, in collaboration  Risk Reduction to guide harmonized ef orts
                             with the United States Agency for Interna-  in minimizing risks associated with use of
                             tional  Development  (USAID)  Seed  Trade  pesticides in the f ght against plant pests and
                             Project and the Government of Zambia, pi-  diseases.
                             loted seed production in Lusaka using the
                             registered maize varieties and principles out-  Transboundary Plant Pests and Diseases
                             lined in the SADC HSRS. T e pilot project  T e late rains and high temperatures of the
                             produced over 200 metric tonnes of hybrid  2019/20 cropping season created favourable
                             maize seed that was commissioned and ex-  conditions for pests and disease outbreaks.
                             ported to the DRC bearing the SADC Seed  T e incidence of Fall Armyworm was re-
                             Label. T e production was increased to en-  ported in most Member States during the veg-
                             gage two additional Member States (Malawi  etative stages of crops although they were
                             and Zimbabwe) for the 2019/20 cropping sea-  largely contained. T e Tomato Leaf Miner
                             son, in collaboration with two private seed  (Tuta absoluta) spread to all Member States
                             companies.                             but they have so far also managed to contain
                                    T e pilot project provided valuable les-  it. T e Banana Bunchy Top Virus disease is
                             sons as it facilitated testing of the Guidelines  currently af ecting seven Member States (An-
                             for Seed Certif cation and Quality Assur-  gola, DRC, Malawi, Mozambique, Tanzania,
                             ance. T e guidelines were also used to con-  South Africa and Zambia) and is being man-
                             duct f eld inspections with involvement of  aged through regulating propagative materials
                             representatives of national seed authorities  and seedlings.
                             from DRC, Malawi, Mozambique, Zambia          T e Maize Lethal Necrosis Disease has
                             and  Zimbabwe  and  lessons  were  shared  been conf ned to DRC and Tanzania which
                             with all Member States during a Joint Seed,  have started regulating movement and pro-
                             Plant  Protection  and  Directors  of  Crops  duction of seed from af ected areas to min-
                             Technical Committee Meeting held in No-  imise  the  spread  of  the  disease.  All
                             vember 2019 in South Africa. T e guide-  neighbouring Member States have strength-
                             lines were found to be useful in facilitating  ened their surveillance and monitoring to
      76                     harmonised f eld inspections to ensure a  minimise the introduction of the disease.
                             uniform approach by all Member States.   Implementation of the HSRS has great po-
                                    SADC  has  also  developed  Regional  tential to reduce the spread of the disease
                             Guidelines on Pesticides Management and  through seed trade and movement.

                        Major Transboundary Pests and Disease Status for 2019/20 Season

                        Member State               Fall                Tuta             B.                  Banana            Fusarium                  Maize           Citrus
                                                           Armyworm     absoluta          Dorsalis              Bunchy            Oxysporum               Lethal           Greening
                                                                                                                       Top  Virus         TR4                          Necrosis
                        Angola                             Yes                   Yes                 Yes                   Yes                     Yes                               No                  No
                        Botswana                         Yes                   Yes                 Yes                  No                      No                               No                  No
                        Comoros                          -                      -                    -                      -                        -                                  -                     No
                        DRC                                 Yes                   Yes                 Yes                   Yes                     No                               Yes                 No
                        Eswatini                           Yes                   Yes                 Yes                   No                      No                               No                  No
                        Lesotho                            No                   Yes                 No                   No                      No                               No                  No
                        Madagascar                     Yes                   Yes                 Yes                   No                      No                               No                  Yes
                        Malawi                            Yes                   Yes                 Yes                   Yes                     No                               No                  Yes
                        Namibia                           Yes                   Yes                 Yes                   No                      No                               No                  No
                        Mauritius                         Yes                   Yes                 Yes                   No                      No                               No                  No
                        Mozambique                    Yes                   Yes                 Yes                   Yes                     Yes                               No                  No
                        Seychelles                        Yes                   Yes                 No                   No                      No                               No                  No
                        South Africa                     Yes                   Yes                 Yes                   Yes                     No                               No                  No
                        Tanzania                          Yes                   Yes                 Yes                   Yes                     No                               Yes                 No
                        Zambia                             Yes                   Yes                 Yes                   Yes                    No                               No                  No
                        Zimbabwe                        Yes                   Yes                 Yes                   No                      No                               No                  No

                        Yes                                        Yes                                                No                              Unknown
                        Present and widespread       Present but not widespread          Not present                -
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