Page 82 - 40th Summit Brochure 2020
P. 82

T e  SADC  common  position  for  CITES  South Africa, Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe,
                   COP  18  was  developed  with  input  from  all  participated in the programme under the theme
                   SADC Member States’ CITES Management and  “Aqua-preneurship for industrial development
                   Scientif c  Authorities  through  two  facilitated  and Job creation”, to ensure market-led sustain-
                   preparatory workshops. T e regional common  able  improvements  in  the  aquaculture  value
                   position contains set of regional issues which  chain in the SADC region. T e theme was re-
                   Member States agree upon by consensus before  sponding to the 2019 SADC Summit theme, “A
                   going to the meeting and is used to guide their  Conducive Environment for Inclusive and Sus-
                   participation and voting in a coordinated man-  tainable  Industrial  Development,  Increased
                   ner during the meeting. T e common positions  Intra-Regional Trade and Job Creation”.
                   have resulted in high visibility of SADC’s partic-         Implementation of at-sea f sheries patrols
                   ipation in such meetings. Fif een SADC Member  continued in 2019 under Operation Vanguard,
                   States participated in CITES COP 18.    which is the SADC Monitoring, Control and
                                                           Surveillance  Coordination  Centre  (MCSCC)
                   Conservation of Forests                 f agship  implemented  through  FISH-i  Africa
                   SADC is implementing a project on Conserva-  project and Sea Shepherd partnership. Two suc-
                   tion and Sustainable Management of Forest Re-  cessful joint patrols in the Exclusive Economic
                   sources in Southern Africa. T e objective of the  Zones (EEZ) of the United Republic of Tanzania
                   project is to develop the capacity of Member  in 2018 were followed by this successful surveil-
                   States and the SADC Secretariat in forest infor-  lance activities in Namibia`s EEZ from April
                   mation systems, integrated forest f re manage-  through June 2019, with the objective of tackling
                   ment, and participatory forest management.  Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) f sh-
                   T e project is supported by the Government of  ing in the SADC waters, and in this case specif -
                   Japan, through the Japan International Coop-  cally the Namibian waters.
                   eration Agency (JICA), and is contributing to        Under the direction of the Namibian Law
                   the  implementation  of  the  SADC  Forestry  Enforcement Of  cers (comprised of f sheries
                   Strategy  (2010-2020).  T e  project  has  con-  inspectors and police of  cers), the M/Y Ocean
                   ducted a series of capacity-building interven-  Warrior patrol vessel (with crew supplied by
                   tions for Member States in the areas of forest  Sea Shepherd) stopped incursions by large for-  79
                   information  systems,  integrated  forest  f re  eign industrial factory trawlers that have been
                   management, and participatory forest manage-  crossing the northern maritime border into
                   ment. It has also facilitated the development of  Namibia to poach horse mackerel. T is opera-
                   Draf  Regional Guidelines on Forest Informa-  tion marked the second year of successful im-
                   tion System, Participatory Forest Management  plementation of Operation Vanguard, hence
                   and Forest Fire Management as well as the re-  SADC Secretariat encourages SADC coastal
                   view of the SADC Forestry Strategy (2010-  States to make use of this coordinated oppor-
                   2020).  T e  revised  strategy  will  provide  a  tunity to utilise M/Y Ocean Warrior patrol ves-
                   framework for both regional cooperation and  sel, under the command of Sea Shepherd at no
                   international engagement on forest issues as  cost  to  bolster  regional  ef orts  in  the  f ght
                   well as concerted action by SADC Member  against IUU f shing.
                   States in the management, conservation and         SADC Secretariat, in partnership with FAO
                   sustainable use of their forest for the next 10  and the COMESA Secretariat supported Zambia
                   years. T e draf  guidelines and draf  revised  and  Zimbabwe  authorities  in  their  ef orts  to
                   Forestry Strategy (2020-2030) will be submit-  strengthen co-management and value chains of
                   ted to SADC Statutory Structures for validation  shared f sheries resources and aquaculture of
                   and approval.                           Lake Kariba and the transboundary waters of the
                                                           Zambezi River. T is was guided by the Protocol
                   Aquaculture Programme                   on Economic and Technical Co-operation be-
                   T e SADC Secretariat, in partnership with the  tween Zambia and Zimbabwe concerning man-
                   UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)  agement and development of the f sheries of
                   and the Lilongwe University of Agriculture and  Lake Kariba and transboundary waters of the
                   Natural Resources, continued to promote youth  Zambezi River, formulated on the basis of SADC
                   entrepreneurship for industrial development and  Protocol on Fisheries and SADC Protocol on
                   job creation in the SADC aquaculture sector.  Shared Watercourses. T e shared resources from
                   T is was done through the Transformation of  Lake Kariba and transboundary waters of Zam-
                   Aquaculture, Fish Processing and Value Addition  bezi River are very important for the communi-
                   in the SADC Region Programme. In 2019, 20  ties who are settled around these water bodies,
                   aquaculture  youth  entrepreneurs  from  as well as for the economies of the two countries.
                   Botswana,  Malawi,  Mozambique,  Namibia,  In particular, the freshwater sardines and tilapia
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