Page 81 - 40th Summit Brochure 2020
P. 81

Management of Natural Resources       made a commitment to provide initial fund-
                              Southern Africa is endowed with abundant  ing amounting to €20 million, through KfW,
                              wildlife  resources  including  wild  animals,  as seed funding for setting up the TFCA Fa-
                              forests, f sh and aquatic life. T ese resources  cility and has already allocated a total of €12
                              are important for agriculture and the lucrative  million for this purpose. Once established,
                              tourism industry, and provide an opportunity  the fund will be open to receive contribu-
                              to strengthen regional integration. T ey also  tions from other interested donors. T e es-
                              contribute to the socio-economic develop-  tablishment of the TFCA Facility as well as
                              ment of the region through employment and  its implementation modalities have been ap-
                              wealth creation, food security and overall im-  proved by relevant SADC statutory struc-
                              provement of the livelihoods of people. Over-  tures,  including  the  SADC  Council  of
                              all, natural resources account for 50 percent  Ministers in March 2018. SADC TFCA Fa-
                              of total Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of  cility will provide the basis for more sustain-
                              SADC region with tourism alone accounting  able, long-term funding for TFCAs.
                              for up to 8.2 percent of regional GDP and an
                              estimated 6.3 million jobs.           Development of TFCA Guidelines
                                     SADC has developed and ratif ed Proto-  During the reporting period, the SADC Sec-
                              cols of Fisheries, Forestry and Wildlife Con-  retariat coordinated the process of developing
                              servation  and  Law  Enforcement  which  Guidelines on Community Engagement in
                              provide guiding policy framework for devel-  SADC TFCAs as well as Guidelines on De-
                              oping strategies, programmes and interven-  velopment of Tourism Products in SADC
                              tions for each sub-sector. Various strategies  TFCAs.  T ese guidelines are aimed at con-
                              and programmes have been developed to im-  tributing to the enhancement of rural local
      78                      plement these protocols.              livelihoods  and  developing  TFCAs  into

                                                                    marketable regional tourism products, re-
                                                                    spectively.  T e  SADC/GIZ  Project  on
                              SADC TFCA Programme                   Transboundary Use and Protection of Nat-
                              T e SADC Secretariat continued to facilitate  ural Resources has made signif cant contri-
                              the implementation of the programme on  bution  to  the  implementation  of  SADC
                              Trans Frontier Conservation Areas (TFCA)  TFCA Programme.
                              whose aim is to promote cross-border coop-
                              eration in conservation and management of
                              shared  natural  resources.  Central  to  this  Support to CITES Process
                              process is promotion of conservation of bio-  T e Secretariat continued to coordinate the
                              diversity and enhancing socio-economic de-  implementation of the strategy, which in part
                              velopment  through  the  development  of  contributes  to  the  implementation  of  the
                              nature-based  enterprises  such  as  tourism.  Convention on International Trade in Endan-
                              SADC facilitation is aimed at addressing some  gered Species of Wildlife Fauna and Flora
                              of  the  gaps  identif ed  by  SADC  Member  (CITES). CITES is an international agreement
                              States in the establishment and development  among governments aimed at regulating in-
                              of TFCAs such as funding, data and knowl-  ternational trade in wild species of f ora and
                              edge management systems, capacity develop-  fauna in order to ensure that trade does not
                              ment for TFCA stakeholders and tourism  lead to overexploitation of wildlife and does
                              development in TFCAs.                 not threaten their survival. All SADC Mem-
                                     T e Secretariat, with support from the  ber States are party to this Convention and
                              Government of Germany, is at an advanced  participate  in  implementation,  attending
                              stage of establishing a dedicated regional f -  meetings of Conferences of the Parties (COP)
                              nancing facility for SADC TFCAs (commonly  where decisions are made. SADC Secretariat
                              referred  to  as  SADC  TFCA  Facility).  T e  supported Member States to develop a com-
                              overall objective of the facility is to provide  mon position for the 18th Meeting of Confer-
                              sustainable funding through grants to support  ence of the Parties to CITES (CITES COP 18)
                              conservation, development and management  that was held from 17-28 August 2019 in
                              actions in SADC TFCAs. T e German Min-  Geneva, Switzerland, and coordinated their
                              istry of Development Cooperation (BMZ)  participation during the meeting.
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