Page 75 - 40th Summit Brochure 2020
P. 75

Implementation of the Malabo Declaration   nial reports. T ese are Angola, Botswana,
                             T e second Biennial Review Report on the  Eswatini,  Lesotho,  Madagascar,  Malawi,
                             Implementation of the 2014 Malabo Decla-  Mauritius,  Mozambique,  Namibia,  South
                             ration on Accelerated Agricultural Growth  Africa, Zambia and Zimbabwe. T e average
                             and Transformation for Shared Prosperity  score for the region was at 4.27 against a
                             and Improved Livelihoods was launched in  benchmark score of 6.66 for 2019, indicating
                             February 2020 by the African Union Com-  that the region is not on track in meeting the
                             mission, with contributions from the SADC  CAADP/Malabo commitments.
                             region,  coordinated  by  the  SADC  Secre-        During the f rst Biennial Review in 2017,
                             tariat, with technical support from the Re-  Southern Africa as a region was on track
                             gional  Strategic  Analysis  and  Knowledge  with four commitments out of the seven;
                             Support  System  T e  report  monitors  the  while for the 2019 Biennial Review, the re-
                             performance of AU Member States on the  gion as a whole is not on track on any of the
                             seven commitments that have been agreed  commitments. At individual Member State
                             as key to transforming agriculture in Africa.  level, the review also shows that no SADC
                                    T ese are:                      country is on track, which represents a 66.7
                             ❖ Recommitment to the Comprehensive    percent decrease from the inaugural Bien-
                                 Africa Agriculture Development Pro-  nial Review (2017).
                                 gramme (CAADP) principles;               Further analysis of the data from SADC
                             ❖ Enhancing investment and f nancing in  indicated that the performance of the region
                                 agriculture;                       will improve by increasing public expendi-
                             ❖ Ending hunger by 2025;               ture to agriculture; increasing the quantity
                             ❖ Halving poverty through agriculture by  and quality of investments; increasing access
                                 2025;                              to agriculture inputs and technologies; en-
                             ❖ Boosting intra-African trade in agricul-  hancing investment in resilience building;
                                 ture commodities and services;     strengthening agricultural data collection
                             ❖ Enhancing resilience to climate variabil-  and management systems; and domesticat-
                                 ity; and
      72                     ❖ Enhancing mutual accountability for ac-  ing the Malabo Declaration and targets into
                                                                    national  agriculture  investment  plans
                                 tions and results.                 (NAIPs). All these actions are within the
                                    T e report showed that 12 SADC Mem-  SADC RAP – the CAADP Compact of the
                             ber States reporting under the joint coordi-  SADC Region, and operationalized through
                             nation of SADC and the Common Market   the Regional Agricultural Investment Plan
                             for  Eastern  and  Southern  Africa    (RAIP) 2017-2022 that is currently under
                             (COMESA), submitted their second bien-  implementation in the region.
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