Page 74 - 40th Summit Brochure 2020
P. 74

resources): Agricultural marketing in  velopment in the region: T is aims to
                      the region is constrained mainly by lack  address environmental problems within
                      of capacity to meet Sanitary and Phyto-  the SADC region, including those from
                      Sanitary (SPS) standards, lack of com-  climate change, with a focus on land
                      pliance  and  tarif   and  non-tarif   degradation,  unsustainable  use  of
                      barriers, including rules and regulations  aquatic resources, loss of biodiversity
                      governing trade in agricultural prod-  and capacity building and assessment
                      ucts. T is intervention area, therefore,  of human impacts. T e focus is also on
                      initiates and implements programmes   harmonisation of environmental poli-
                      aimed at promoting access to markets  cies, mainstreaming of environment in
                      for agricultural products through the  regional  and  national  developments
                      provision of marketing information and  plans, monitoring and reporting on en-
                      strengthening  capacity  of  Member   vironmental conditions as well as coor-
                      States to meet SPS standards;         dinating  negotiations  of  multilateral
                  (iii) Reduced social and economic vulnera-  environmental agreements; and,
                      bility in the context of food and nutri-  (vii) Strengthened conservation and utilisa-
                      tion security: T e objective is to ensure  tion  of  plant  and  animal  genetic  re-
                      reduced  social  vulnerability  and  im-  sources  to  improve  agricultural               71
                      proved regional disaster preparedness  production and maintenance of species
                      and awareness for food security, given  diversity for present and future genera-
                      that the SADC region is frequently af-  tions: T is aim is to conserve the plant
                      fected by natural and man-made disas-  genetic resources of the region through
                      ters,  which  not  only  lead  to  food  a network of National Plant Genetic Re-
                      insecurity and hunger in some years but  sources Centres (NPGRCs). T e thrust
                      also loss of lives and livelihoods;   is to maintain a Regional Plant Genetic
                  (iv) Strengthened sustainable management  Resource Centre and a network of na-
                      and conservation of natural resources  tional Plant Genetic Resources (PGR)
                      in the region: T e objective is to facili-  programmes to support plant research
                      tate the development and implementa-  in  the  region,  conserve  indigenous
                      tion of programmes that are supportive  plant genetic resources and crop genetic
                      of sustainable management and conser-  resources, and train plant genetic re-
                      vation of natural resources, including  sources personnel.
                      f sh,  forests  and  wildlife,  as  well  as
                      Trans-frontier  Conservation  Areas
                      (TFCAs)  and  ecosystems  supporting  MAJOR ACHIEVEMENTS
                      these resources. T ese natural resources
                      form the main pillars for biodiversity  In line with the priorities in the Revised Re-
                      conservation in the region;        gional  Indicative  Strategic  Development
                  (v) Promoting  the  region  as  a  single  Plan (RISDP) 2015-2020, Regional Agricul-
                      tourism destination: Implementation of  tural Policy (RAP), SADC Industrialisation
                      the SADC Tourism Protocol and strate-  Strategy and Roadmap 2015-2063 and the
                      gies for marketing the SADC region as  Regional Infrastructure Development Mas-
                      a single-multifaceted tourism destina-  ter Plan (RIDMP) as well as Summit, Coun-
                      tion and mainly for harmonisation of  cil and Ministerial Committee decisions,
                      tourism laws within the region;    the relevant work implemented by FANR
                  (vi) Strengthened sustainable management  during the f nancial year 2019/20 includes
                      of environment for socio-economic de-  the following.
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