Page 76 - 40th Summit Brochure 2020
P. 76

T e next phase of the project will support
                                                         the domestication of the Agriculture Devel-
                                                         opment Fund and its facilities by Member
                                                         States through improved access to data and in-
                                                         formation and provision of advocacy materi-
                                                         als on agricultural investments funding; policy
                                                         dialogue  and  capacity  development  in
                                                         agribusiness and value-chain development;
                                                         and knowledge management, technologies
                                                         and sharing of good practices.

                                                         Regional Agro-Processing Value Chains
                                                         A study prof ling regional agro-processing
                                                         value chains in the SADC region, supported
                  Participation of Private and Public Sectors  f nancially by German Technical Coopera-
                  in RAP                                 tion  (GIZ),  was  completed  in  the  fourth
                  T e SADC Secretariat, in collaboration with  quarter of 2018/19 and validated by Member
                  the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation  States  in  April  2019.  T e  study  recom-
                  (FAO), is implementing a Technical Cooper-  mended 15 product-specif c value chains
                  ation Project to support the development of  which were selected as having the highest
                  value chains, through engagement of small-  potential for upgrading and development in
                  holder clusters, producer organisations and  the region for increased intra-regional trade
                  agricultural industrial associations. T e over-  and for integration into global value chains.
                  all objective of the project is to promote pub-        T e selected value chains include:
                  lic-private  sector  partnerships  in  the  • Grains (maize, wheat and rice);
                  development  and  implementation  of  agri-  • Oil seeds and legumes (soybeans, oils and
                  businesses and agri-food chains in the SADC  oilcake, sunf ower seed and oil, sesame,
                  region that are more inclusive and ef  cient.   cotton seed, groundnuts and dried beans);
                  T e specif c objectives of the project are to:   • Other crops and livestock (cotton, biomass  73
                  • Undertake an assessment of capacity needs  and poultry); and
                    and ef ective practices in the business mod-  • Meat (cattle and goats).
                    els of  smallholder agriculture clusters;          To promote the implementation of the se-
                  • Develop a platform for exchange of lessons  lected value chains, the SADC Secretariat con-
                    learned; and                         vened a meeting in November 2019 in Dar es
                  • Organise  a  consultation  and  validation  Salaam, United Republic of Tanzania with
                    workshop of SADC Value Chain players on  support from GIZ, to identify and agree on
                    the promotion of agriculture cluster busi-  key strategic actions to bridge the gap between
                    ness models and platform development.  supply and demand of products in the value
                         T e project shed some light on the status  chains and identify projects for investment
                  of private sector involvement and participa-  and promotion. T e projects form part of the
                  tion in agriculture value chains in the region,  projects matrix to be included as an annex to
                  and organised the inaugural SADC/FAO An-  the T ree-year Rolling Plan. T e meeting was
                  nual AgrInvest Regional Roundtable, held in  attended by more than 90 delegates from the
                  Cape Town, South Africa in November 2019  region, representing all SADC Member States
                  and attended by more than 60 participants  except Comoros, Madagascar and Mauritius,
                  representing the private sector, farmer organ-  the private sector including farmer organisa-
                  izations, public sector, the SADC Secretariat  tions, chambers of commerce, producer asso-
                  and FAO. T e aim of the roundtable was to fa-  ciations,  processing  companies,  a  seed
                  cilitate dialogue with, and obtain feedback  company, and the World Bank.
                  from, the region’s agricultural private sector as         Four value chains were selected during the
                  well as to catalyse deeper and more inclusive  Dar es Salaam meeting as representing the
                  regional agricultural value chains and a com-  highest potential for further development in
                  munity of private-sector stakeholders in the  the region. T e selected value chains are for
                  region who can engage on a continuous basis  wheat, rice, soybeans and cotton.
                  to provide feedback, inputs, support and re-         T e meeting recommended a number of
                  sources (including investment) towards the  key actions at regional level to support in-
                  delivery of the aims of the RAIP and Agricul-  creased agricultural production and trading.
                  ture Development Fund (ADF).           T ese include fast-track implementation of
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