Page 84 - 40th Summit Brochure 2020
P. 84
SOCIAL AND HUMAN while AIDS-related deaths have been re-
DEVELOPMENT duced by half as compared to 2010.
Available data also shows that half of
SADC Member States are on the brink of
T e Social and Human Development direc- eliminating Mother To Child Transmission
torate is mandated to ensure the availability (MTCT) as they reached the milestone of re-
of educated, skilled, healthy, productive ducing MTCT.
human resources required for promoting in- SADC countries have made tremendous
vestment, the ef ciency and competitiveness progress towards realisation of the 90-90-90 81
of the region in the global economy, as well Fast Track targets. By the end of 2019, six
as improving the quality of life for the people countries had reached or surpassed the f rst
of the region. T e Directorate covers Educa- 90 target on HIV testing, while a total of
tion and Skills Development, Health and Nu- seven countries had already surpassed the
trition, Employment and Labour, Youth as second 90 target on HIV treatment. On the
well as HIV and AIDS. other hand, f ve countries had achieved the
last 90 on viral suppression and four more are
almost reaching this target.
In the period August 2019 to August 2020, SADC HIV and AIDS Fund
various outputs and milestones were The operationalisation of Round 3 of the
achieved by the Directorate through its f ve SADC HIV and AIDS Fund was initiated in
key result areas. T ese achievements are May 2019 and a total of 13 projects esti-
summarised as follows. mated at US$6,482,000 were approved to
support high impact HIV projects. Various
COMBATTING HIV AND AIDS types of projects of regional importance will
be implemented in the region addressing all
Increase availability and access to quality areas in the HIV continuum of care such as
health and HIV and AIDS services and com- Prevention, Treatment, ART adherence as
modities. well as key and vulnerable populations in-
cluding research.
Commendable progress has been achieved HIV Prevention
in the f ght against HIV and AIDS in the re- T is initiative has been undertaken through
gion. T e SADC 2019 annual report was de- the development of the SADC Regional
veloped with the support from the United Scorecard for HIV Prevention. T e Scorecard
Nations Programme on HIV and AIDS (UN- draws from the Global Coalition on HIV pre-
AIDS). T e report reveals that new HIV in- vention and is anchored on the f ve pillars of
fections have been reduced by one-third prevention: