Page 85 - 40th Summit Brochure 2020
P. 85


                                                                         T e  main  function  of  the  SADC
                                                                         Health Desk is to facilitate the devel-
                                                                         opments of regional tools including
                                                                         the protocol, policies, strategies, plans
                                                                         and  guidelines  for  harmonised
                                                                         healthcare systems in the region, to
                                                                         coordinate the adoption, domestica-
                                                                         tion and implementation of regional
                                                                         tools for healthcare harmonisation, to
                                                                         provide technical support in their op-
                                                                         erationalization, and to monitor and
                                                                         report progress and challenges to the
                                                                         ministerial committee on health an-

                                                                         Protocol on Health
                                                                         T e SADC Health Protocol entered
                                                                         into force in 2004 af er the requisite
                             • Adolescent Girls and Young Women;    number of Member States signed and rati-
                             • Key Populations;                     f ed. T e protocol is the guiding document
                             • Condoms Programming;                 for the development of regional health poli-
                             • Voluntary Medical Male               cies and programmatic documents.
                                Circumcision; and
                             • Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis.            Medicine Regulatory Harmonisation
                                     In addition, the SADC Secretariat is a  T e medicine Regulatory Harmonisation
      82                     member of the Global Coalition on HIV  project  under  a  tripartite  Cooperation
                             prevention. T is will increase the visibility  Agreement between the SADC Secretariat,
                             of the SADC region in the HIV-prevention  NEPAD  Agency  and  the  World  Bank,  is
                             discourse as well as increase advocacy plat-  aimed at providing a framework for ef ective
                             forms  for  the  region  to  engage  at  global  coordination for the implementation of the
                             level,  and  develop  partnerships  and  re-  SADC Medicines Regulatory Harmonisa-
                             source mobilisation opportunities.     tion (MRH) Project and supports the imple-
                                    In  2019,  SADC  has  made  great  mentation  of  the  SADC  Pharmaceutical
                             progress in addressing prevention needs of  Business Plan. T e objectives of the MRH
                             its citizens. With the support of the United  are as follows:
                             Nations    Development   Programme     • Develop regional and national capacity
                             (UNDP) and the United Nations Popula-    to implement medicines regulatory har-
                             tion Fund (UNFPA), the SADC Secretariat  monisation in the region;
                             assessed Member States progress in imple-  • Develop and implement national and re-
                             menting  the  SADC  Framework  for  Key  gional  Management  Information  Sys-
                             Populations.                             tems (MIS) to facilitate decision-making
                                    While  Member  States  have  increased  and sharing of information among Mem-
                             service  and  programme  coverage  for  Key  ber States and stakeholders to develop
                             Population, there has also been progress in  and  implement  a  Quality  Monitoring
                             policy and law reform to create an enabling  System (QMS); and,
                             environment and ensure that no one is lef  be-  • Create a platform for engaging key stake-
                             hind.                                    holders on the harmonised regulatory
                                    There  has  also  been  a  substantial  system at national and regional levels.
                             progress in HIV service and programme         T e  SADC  MRH  has  signif cantly
                             coverage for Adolescent girls and Young  improved  the  Medicine  Regulatory
                             Women and their sexual partners in the  processes  in  the  region  in  areas  of  joint
                             region.  This  target  population  remains  assessment,   joint   inspection,   self-
                             critical as it accounts for 40 percent of new  benchmarking,  guidelines  development,
                             HIV infections in the region.          QMS and capacity-building.
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