Page 86 - 40th Summit Brochure 2020
P. 86

Tuberculosis Strategic Framework
                  T e  Secretariat  in  partnership  with  the
                  AUDA-NEPAD and the Global Fund has de-
                  veloped a regional tuberculosis (TB) strategic
                  plan 2019-2024. T e strategy aligns to global
                  commitments and instruments that support
                  implementation  of  programmes  aimed  at
                  eliminating tuberculosis as a disease of public
                  concern by the year 2020.
                         T e strategy is anchored in the declara-
                  tion by SADC Heads of State on the elimi-
                  nation  of  TB  in  the  SADC  region,  that
                  encompasses issues of Tuberculosis in the
                  Mining sector (TIMS). T is is a key multi-
                  stakeholder  initiative  led  by  the  South
                  Africa Knowledge Hub involving govern-
                  ment, civil society, development and private  tion if the 10 outcomes of the Strategy are
                  sector partners to combat TB in the mining  to be met.  Development of an M&E plan is
                  sector in SADC.                        underway to monitor implementation of the
                         Coordination of the initiative is led by  strategy, the M&E Plan will be f nalised in
                  the AUDA-NEPAD and includes represen-  2020.
                  tatives  from  the  Departments  of  Health,
                  Mineral Resources, and Labour, of all par-  Malaria collaboration
                  ticipating Member States.              A tripartite agreement in form of a Memo-
                                                         randum of Understanding was signed be-
                  Sexual and Reproductive Health and     tween  the  SADC  Secretariat,  African
                  Rights Strategy and Scorecard          Leaders Malaria Alliance (ALMA) and the
                  The SADC Secretariat with technical sup-  Roll Back Malaria (RBM) in Niamey, Niger             83
                  port  from  the  United  Nations  2gther  4  in 2019 with the purpose of providing a
                  SRHR  Programme  (UNAIDS,  UNFPA,      framework for collaboration and coopera-
                  UNICEF  and  WHO),  UNESCO  and        tion between the parties in matters of com-
                  SheDecides, have developed the SADC Re-  mon interest.
                  gional  Strategy  on  Sexual,  Reproductive        T e parties agreed on mutually re-en-
                  Health and Rights Strategy 2019-2030.   forcing the goal of reaching international
                         T e purpose of the strategy is to provide  malaria targets by 2030, as set by African
                  a policy and programming framework for  Heads of State in the “Catalytic Framework
                  SADC Member States to accelerate the at-  to end AIDS and TB and eliminate Malaria
                  tainment of sexual and reproductive health  in Africa by 2030; as well as the Global Tech-
                  and rights for all people living in the SADC  nical Strategy for Malaria 2016–2030; and the
                  region.                                Sustainable Development Goals.
                         T e strategy builds on the Programme        T e MoU is underpinned by the Wind-
                  of Action of the International Conference  hoek Declaration on Eliminating Malaria in
                  on Population and Development, the Sus-  the SADC Region, signed by SADC Heads of
                  tainable Development Goals, the Maputo  States  and  Governments  in  August  2018,
                  Plan of Action 2016–2030, and the SADC  which def ned priority actions requiring ur-
                  SRH Strategy 2006–2015, informed by the  gent attention for the elimination of Malaria
                  most current thinking on SRHR as def ned  in the SADC region.
                  by the Lancet-Guttmacher Commission on
                  Accelerating Progress: SRHR for All, and  Human Resource for Health Strategy
                  the  Manifesto  of  the  global  SheDecides  2019-2030
                  movement.                              The SADC Secretariat in partnership with
                         T e  SADC  SRHR  Scorecard  has  also  the  WHO  and  ILO  have  developed  the
                  been developed and is a high-level peer re-  SADC Human Resource for Health Strate-
                  view accountability tool to track progress on  gic Plan 2020-2030. The Strategy is aimed
                  implementation  of  the  SADC  Regional  at facilitating acceleration of progress to-
                  Strategy for SRHR 2019–2030. It consists of  wards achieving the population health ob-
                  20 key indicators requiring accelerated ac-  jectives  of  Health  2020  and  the
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